Please make tutorial - Context menu when click on self

LemonBlueLemonBlue Posts: 1
edited November 2018 in General Discussions
I do not write English well. :)

The self-context menu has many important features.

Insure Menu
Target Quest Item
Vendor Search ...

But it is not mentioned anywhere.

Returnees can only be found through the community.

"Where is the vendor search menu?"
It is a question that many returnees ask.

I think need some tip, tutorial for self-context menu.

Ultima Online  is a very good game,
I want many returnees to settle in.



  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I could look into that, but if you read the page on Vendor search, it tells you there to use the context menu, and has a picture of it. The main quest page and the insurance page also have that information. If someone is asking in game for the vendor search menu, then they haven't read the wiki page about vendor search and probably wouldn't read a page about the context menu either.
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