Returning Player Advice

I am returning after a long break (very long) and need some help getting back into the swing of things. My main on Chesapeake has the following stats. Please help guide me to get up to date. Mace - 108.5, Anatomy - 108 , Parry - 100.2, Resist - 100, Healing - 89.3, Tactics - 102.8, Chivalry - 48.7, Bushido - 62.5

I also am broke but do have a GM Mining/Smith, what can I do to start getting a cash flow. 

Excited to be back and thank you!  


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    First, welcome back.

    This page: was written specifically to help returning players explore and understand what has changed since they left.

    Usually the biggest shock is what happened to their gold in the bank. Read the page 'money', you may find you're not as broke as you thought you were.

    Cash flow is a relative term, depending how you play. If I had a character with that skill set and at those levels I would head to Homare moongate and the Tsuki wolves, they will give gains in fighting skills and around 1k in gold. Your gm miner/smith may benefit from the addition of armslore and imbuing to his template and taking smithing to 120 skill.

  • Thank you! 

  • CazadorCazador Posts: 83
    Here’s some advice. You’re keep on Chessy is one of a kind and worth a fortune... long time since I’ve seen that name. Days of UO have changed quite a bit since the GM days.
  • Cazador said:
    Here’s some advice. You’re keep on Chessy is one of a kind and worth a fortune... long time since I’ve seen that name. Days of UO have changed quite a bit since the GM days.
    Thanks Cazador, it is one of the oldest in UO. I am excited to be back.... Those days getting PK'd while building that Keep were the best.  
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