Overall uo.com integration
I know this is a new addition to the overall website, but it would be nice if it was added to the main menus. I'd have expected to find "Forums" under "Community" at the top - but it seems the only way to access these forums is to enter the url directly.
If you're logged into the forum, there is not a "Forum" link under community. I found this confusing also.
However, if you just go to UO.com without logging into the forum, then there is a "Forum" link under community. At least for me.
If I go to the UO.com wiki, or any other section other than the forum, the "Forum" link reappears under the community heading as well.
Also, the UO.com main page has replaced one of the 5 main section links at the top of the page with a Forum section. No URL needed. Just hit UO.com and click the Forum button. Not sure what it was before it was Forum.
It's a nice touch though with the old man reading from a scroll as the Forum link.
I see. Or rather, I don't. But it is confusing that it's not there when in the forums.