@Kyronix @Bleak 
My toon exploded with joy when he saw them!!
And Thanks for the new rewards! I have always marked a rune here for new or returning players. They can choose their level of difficulty.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
I am a strong, powerful, independent woman.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
You have to ask nicely like I do...
To answer your question - the reason I was able to reply quickly was because there wasn't additional information that needed to be researched, discussed, considered etc...
Before making a reply on a bug report we have to do a couple things...
1 - reproduce the issue
2 - verify the issue is in fact a bug
3 - decide on a course of action to correct the bug
4 - decide when in the development cycle we are going to address said bug
This is all before isolating the issue and implementing a fix, testing it, getting feedback etc etc. This is all in addition to providing regular updates to meet our time sensitive content obligations. In summary, there is a large time commitment to provide an answer beyond "we will look into it".