Be careful what you ask for???

I do not understand the PVPers there has been thread after thread asking for more things to do more reason to PVP . Now the Devs have made it so you have to do more spawns to re-pop one isn't this a good thing? now you have a reason,things to do . now you will cry woe is me that will take time .yet again thread after thread stating how fast and easy it is to do spawns if the care bears would only just do it . here is exactly what you asked for how can you complain...
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I"m one of the few to admit that I"m a terrible PvPr, so I typically stay out of these threads when i know that my thoughts/ideas won't bring much to the table. I think others should follow suit. My main thing in UO is High Seas type content, and I notice that when I make a post about these, I get several views but very few replies, that's because players will read anything, but won't voice their opinion on those things that they don't really engage in. More people should follow this code.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • McDougle said:
    I do not understand the PVPers there has been thread after thread asking for more things to do more reason to PVP . Now the Devs have made it so you have to do more spawns to re-pop one isn't this a good thing? now you have a reason,things to do .
    First of all it's not only PvPers complaining about that, just look at those threads in the bug forum and you'll see a bunch of PvMers posted there.
    Second: one dev claims that the Khaldun spawn can only be activated after another spawn has been completed. Not only has no spawn in the game ever worked like that but also what he says is incorrect if it can be any spawn because people have been trying that. If it has to be a specific spawn he should have mentioned that. 

    I don't really see why you are trying to make this about PvPers vs PvMers.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited October 2018
    I am not complaining about it only being able to be popped once in fel, I am complaining that it is inconsistent with other champs, if they made all champs that way, I would be happy.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • This just doesn't make any sense to me, as Max said, no spawns have worked like this before, if they aren't active you can pop them.  Was it like this on Test? 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited October 2018
     Garth_Grey said:
    I"m one of the few to admit that I"m a terrible PvPr, so I typically stay out of these threads when i know that my thoughts/ideas won't bring much to the table. I think others should follow suit. My main thing in UO is High Seas type content, and I notice that when I make a post about these, I get several views but very few replies, that's because players will read anything, but won't voice their opinion on those things that they don't really engage in. More people should follow this code.

    Yes, I believe in this code of conduct.

    If it's a PvP, crafting, rogue, felucca topic, I have every right, clear conscience, and ability to jump in as and when I feel like. With whatever opinion I feel like. I have that right, it's my interest, my passion, my experience.

    If it's deco, castles, tamers, pvm etc, I stay out of it. I have no interest, or experience, I leave it to those who enjoy that playstyle and wish to discuss it without people butting in with unhelpful comments.

    If it's EC, Sampires, Dismounting or Trammel, I obviously have every right to burn that topic to the ground. :)

    It's a code of honour, game forum etiquette, whatever, some of us follow it, some of us don't. Those who don't wind me up fairly quickly, and I usually let them know pretty soon enough.

  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    The problem is McFlyDougle and it happens more time than I think we can count that things are implemented without instructions. PVP and nonPVP alike. It would have been nice for them to say that they changed the system.


    As you can see by the other thread, it has brought to light that they don't even know their own system. Sadly now that this has been brought to light, they will probably change it to suit themselves because clearly non of the Dev Team PVP or in the morning meeting when this was brought up the one(s) who do(es) would have spoken up. And FYI you don't have to be a PVP'er to do a champ spawn in Fel. You could be me, work it till you die.
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