Fishing tournament for the month of October

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
Greetings everyone.  As the fishing tournament continues for the month of October.  In keeping it with the Halloween holiday tradition let’s do an orange themed fish.  We will be after the Giant Koi this month.  Location is: Deep waters in Tokuno.  I know with all the Halloween stuff going on this month I am hoping everyone takes a few moments and tries their luck at some fishing.  You never know you might just win.  Contest lasts for entire month of October, 1st through the 31st and must be caught in October.  When you are ready to turn in your fish on or before the 31st.  Please do so at the Britain Moongate Meeting House.  As you can see we have 2 fish mounted in Luna, will your fish be next?  Good Luck Everyone!
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