yes a guildmate couldn't see the message at all. then he went up to stand in front of the quest giver, who told him that he had found it. told him to go talk to Jasper. then when he went to Jasper, didn't get a pop up message or nothing... He switched to a human or elf (not sure which he used) and did the quest...
You need to train a little detect hidden on gargoyle. Elvens have natural racial detect hidden, humans have Jack of all trade.
Aside from the fact that elf's is passive detect hidden (people stealth nearing them have a chance of being broken from stealth), how do you explain our gargoyle friend not being able to turn into Jasper at the end?
My Gargoyle husband isn't getting the room message at the lycaeum either. I've gone with him and found him the right room to detect the bookcases but he had no luck. He gave up.
My garg trained up DT to 22.8 and couldn't see the message. trained it up to 28.2 and was able to see the message. Had to wait til it changed to a different room though in order to find it. (the first room i checked every bookshelf twice and couldn't find it) so i ran around til it went to a different room... so you can do it on a gargoyle