!!! Contest Housing Pricing Update !!!

Yay!  Thank you, Dev Team.  This is MUCH better!


Contest Housing Pricing Update

Safari / Chianti of Catskills


  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Still need to lower the prices by at least 50% 

  • Again, thank you for listening to the players and taking action.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    some posts have been removed, please keep on topic and post respectfully
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    edited September 2018
    Not everyone that has castles are wealthy... some were given to people when their friends left the game, some were able to place when they discovered available space cause the idoc hunters actually missed it falling, or like how I got mine (by trading EM drops for it)

    Also I am a Tamer!!!!
    And ever since the animals need power scrolls, that's where everyone is spending their gold now. Its only recently that the gold amounts are getting lower... That's why it was so upsetting hearing how expensive the designs were costing... Can't afford to scroll up pets, how could I afford that?

    So hearing how they have lowered the prices... I'm very grateful that they listened to our concerns about the pricing... Not just for the castle pricing, but also for the keep pricing... 

    Over & over again, on TC in General Chat,  I kept hearing how everybody said that any keep would be better than what we got. The winning design gave everyone the walls & flooring that lot of people still wanted in a keep, while also keeping the original outside shape. The designer originally had doors in it, but after hearing comments from people, changed it before the voting began... some people wanted doors, & people like me prefer the arches... why am I bringing this up? Because when this contest first started there was a keep I really liked & if it had won I would have placed it (I re-opened an account just for it). The more I look at the winning design I really want to build it... And I would like to thank the llama "Buttercup" for providing tours of the homes they had created, even the castle the llama had voted for but didn't win... You need to continue to design cause you are really good at it... I should have voted for Sally Trees keep... kicking myself for not voting for it...
  • PitrPitr Posts: 187
    Safari said:
    Yay!  Thank you, Dev Team.  This is MUCH better!



    * covers his bluish elven et'zarreth *
  • XareXare Posts: 124
      I kept hearing how everybody said that any keep would be better than what we got.
    I used to agree with those voices.  After seeing the entrants into this contest and the uninspired design that won, I can no longer agree.
  • The new prices are better than the original ones.  However, they're still more than I'll ever be able to afford.   In any event, on the off chance I ever get enough gold to purchase one of the new designs, I do have a couple of questions related to using them:
    • Do you need to have the Gothic theme pack on your account to purchase the castle designed by Dot Warner?  
    • If you purchase one of the new designs and later drop your castle or keep, which do you get back: (a) Only the gold that was used to place the original castle or keep; (b) the amount in (a) plus the gold you spent for every single purchase of one of the new designs ever made to the plot; or (c) the amount in (a) plus the gold you spent for just the most recent purchase of a new design?
    • If you have purchased one of the new designs and then decide to switch to a different design, does the gold you paid for the first design count towards your purchase of another design or do you have to pay the full price of the next design you purchase?
    • If you transfer ownership of a castle or keep that's been converted to a new design to a different account, does the design stay intact for the new owner?
    • Does everything in the castle or keep go into the moving crate when you apply a new design or is anything that isn't cut through by a wall, floor, or staircase left in place?
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    MUCH better! Still high enough to be enough of a small gold sink if that was truly your intention but low enough for more players to enjoy, thank you!

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782


    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    And I would like to thank the llama "Buttercup" for providing tours of the homes they had created, even the castle the llama had voted for but didn't win... You need to continue to design cause you are really good at it...
    We all want our own design.  As proven by the Castle that was chosen that is shaped like an E.  All the players whose name starts with an E are set.

    I will be using the Llama Keep.  And I'm trying to talk the Llama into decorating the roof for me while I fight in the Dungeon.  Hopefully I will recover from the broken arm I received when I fell out the arches on the second floor on TC.  I have blocking items selected to put in those archways.  Love that they can be seen.  Also like the fireplaces.  I already have a Llama made fireplace in a home.

    My two fav Keeps were the Hill People and the one that had lots of moss and water.  Those two would have been difficult to make rooms out of.  They did not make the top 40.  I liked none of the other top 40 Keeps except Llamas.

    There will never be a design that is liked by the majority of players.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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