I am curious.
Now whether you own a castle or not, like anything on offer or not, or whether you care or not, please humor me.
I am trying to see how many of you would actually HAVE the funds to do a castle conversion on Siege Perilous or for that matter a Keep conversion.
Given Kyronix has stated that we will pay the same as the other shards (even though we pay more than double to place initially) I am of the opinion we are getting totally screwed as our economy earns at least 10 times less than items on prodo shards hence takes us ten times longer to amass the same amount and we have no transfers to and from to make money either by farming other shards for EM events etc.
While you may not have a building to convert, you never know when you may have one so it would seem in the interests of our shard to try and get the cost down for now and in the future. Please be honest with your answers. It would be interesting to see the economic health of our shard. I have only been here 2 yrs so am not sure how rich some of you old timers are.
Cept Ozzy, I gave you all my money for my Castle so I know YOU are rich !!
Cheers MissE
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Cheers MissE