Sorry Siege no New Castles for you.

MissEMissE Posts: 782
edited September 2018 in General Discussions
OK so perhaps you don't care to change your castle but if you do I am afraid it may be totally impossible.  I actually had mine selected and then I looked at the price on prodo. 

Normal castles on prodo are around 865,000 on Siege they are 1,730,000

To build MY DESIGN after all that effort to design it etc would cost  326,475,000.... yes that is correct??  365 MILLION???? on a production shard, on siege that will be god knows how much...... 800 MILLION or around that?  

Are you serious ?????? No chance in HELL of ever getting up that much $$$ and I actually run a pretty successful shop on siege, but even I have no hope of getting whatever that is gonna be. 

@Kyronix ; surely this is not for real.  OK on regular shards maybe people can come up with that.   But on siege given the inflated prices there is no way.  How can a regular castle cost less than 1,000,000 yet a designed one cost 326,475,000 is this a mistake?  Over 300 times the cost???   An extra couple of 0's added?

3,264,750 would be reasonable,  I hope to hell it is lol.

Also there is a mix up on the names, when you try to place my castle 'The Spires' you get 'castle of Oceania and vice versa, placing that gives MY castle.  They need to be switched on the tool. 

Please advise on this.  I think it would totally suck if having designed it I can't even afford to build it.  In fact doubt anyone can afford to build any at those prices.  It has to be an extra 0 surely???

Cheers MissE

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  • Quite a sticker shock.....   I did notice they upped the storage... but the price just kicked a good deal of us out of the running!
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Well I only have a keep so I wouldn't be getting a castle anyway, but the cost of the Keep is way more than I will ever pay for a house, it's not worth it to change and certainly not for a design I don't like.
    I suppose that's one way of making sure nobody changes to the new designs and they avoid the logistical nightmare of all that stuff going into and out of a house storage crate intact.
    Where did the prices come from? Surely that isn't just the cost of the house tiles needed to build it?
  • Good Point.....   but they did say this was just the first round for new designs... a few more keeps just might be in the offerings... cross your fingers for a good one.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Quite a sticker shock.....   I did notice they upped the storage... but the price just kicked a good deal of us out of the running!
    That is the storage of a normal castle with 60% increased space.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Those costs are totally stupid because it did not cost you that much to design it on TC.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited September 2018
    Violet said:
    Quite a sticker shock.....   I did notice they upped the storage... but the price just kicked a good deal of us out of the running!
    That is the storage of a normal castle with 60% increased space.
    Yeah the storage is the same as a normal castle with all upgrades. 

    It has to be an error, no way it should cost over 300 times as much as a normal castle.  @Kyronix can you please put me out of my misery on this?  It is a joke isn't it .... 865k for a normal castle, 326 million if I wanna build the one I designed. Or between 326 mil and 800m whatever the Siege mark up is. 

    I seriously think they added 2 0's in error. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    No one caught that on TC, or was it never there ? I'm not even remotely surprised.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I was going to check but didn't mark a rune and forgot where castle i placed was  :p
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I just checked the cost of the keep I entered, changing the lower doors kept the cost static at 1,167,000gp
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    No one caught that on TC, or was it never there ? I'm not even remotely surprised.
    Guildies and I caught it on TC, the new patch with the new tool was only up there for a few hours last night.  
  • The price is far too extreme. There has to be a couple of zeros knocked off or no one will build them.
  • Honestly, with the amount of gold and platinum available, even on smaller shards, I bet your going to see lots of these new designs. I suspect that the majority of the player base greatly underestimates just how much gold the wealthier members of the player base have.

    With these prices, people will have the added benefit of being able to show off that wealth.   

  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    While I understand the desire to fight inflation, I have a big problem with the way this is done.
    1) While duping is still active in the game, any kind of gold sinks are about as effective as trying to bail an ocean with a bucket.
    2) A one time expense is not an effective gold sink even if duping was not a factor.
    3) It's the little guys, not super rich who suffer from inflation the most. Who do you think this pricing is going to hurt?

    TL:DR - right motivation, wrong approach that will not work and hurt the population it is meant to benefit.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited September 2018

    I don't know @Sliss, when I first saw the prices I was like "WTF??!!!??" Then I thought about it for a bit. These are 300 million gold vanity items. They have no advantage in game over a standard castle you can place for 800k gold (or buy for whatever amount). The storage is the same. Plus, we can customize the 800k gold castle 'till our little hearts are content. (And yes, castles cost more than that, which is my last paragraph.) 

    I agree with you on your point 1. Point 2 might work at this level of cash. I'm wondering if Broadsword didn't take a look at their metrics and see how much gold is there, who has it, who spends it, and what price point would most likely lead to a conversion and remove that gold from the game. Think about the rares trade forums. Those rares are selling for hundreds of millions to billions of gold. These are just new rares, but the gold gets pulled from the economy, not recycled. The price for the castle conversion seems to be right in the hotspot of rares market prices. I'm going to say that is not accidental.

    Your point 3, well, if you already own a castle in UO, you're not one of the little guys. We're really talking about rich vs. super rich. I mean how much does a castle cost now? I think on Pac it's around 200 mil? What's Trammel Atlantic, a Plat, more? The "little guy" isn't playing at the level of owning a castle to begin with.

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Not everyone who owns castles is rich...I was gifted my castle..and when I actually placed 2 castles of my own it's really not that much...apples and oranges on that count my friend.....800k compared to 300 MILLION....apples and oranges.

  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I know plenty of people who inherited castles, not everyone paid 150-200 mill for one.
  • I have castles on a couple of the quieter shards.  Unless I go buy it from a third-party broker, I'll never have the gold to convert even one of those castles to a new design.  If I took all the gold I have in game on all shards, I wouldn't have enough to even convert a keep.  These new designs will definitely be for just the richer players.  Maybe they will create a nice new revenue stream for the third-party brokers too.  For someone like me, they will just be one more item in the game that is out of reach and far too expensive to be an incentive to play more to make more gold.
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283

    Your point 3, well, if you already own a castle in UO, you're not one of the little guys. We're really talking about rich vs. super rich. I mean how much does a castle cost now? I think on Pac it's around 200 mil? What's Trammel Atlantic, a Plat, more? The "little guy" isn't playing at the level of owning a castle to begin with.

    I think the situation is different for many. I own a castle on Pac. It was gifted to me by a guildie. I don't think I ever had more than 150M at any given time. In recent years most of the gold I did have was spent on powerscrolls for my pets.
    I love customizing houses, and in fact was torn having to move to a castle, just because you can't make much out of it with all the existing walls compared to 18x18. I was looking forward to new castle designs. While they are not my ultimate dream - fully customizable castle plot, they would have given me a few months worth of something fun to do.
    I don't PvP, so I can't make money spawning. With taming nerfs, the roof and Doom are mostly out. So even a few hundred million are unrealistic for me.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    even if you did spawn on my shard most PS go for 5 mil on ave so to make 300 million just off PS you would have to get and sell 60 PS that is assuming you lose no money to insurance loss don't have to buy bandages potions and that you can then sell said 60 PS wait lets take into account vendor fees especially on a slow shard like origin i think if i get the max amount of 120 PS each times (6) that's still 100 champs 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Sliss said:
    I think the situation is different for many. I own a castle on Pac. It was gifted to me by a guildie. I don't think I ever had more than 150M at any given time. In recent years most of the gold I did have was spent on powerscrolls for my pets.....

    Yeah, I have a castle on Pac as well, but no-where, I mean, no-where, near 150 mil. I enjoyed the creation portion of the contest. The prices shocked me. Yet, I can see why they did it.

    What can I say, there is a lot of gold out there, and this seems geared to entice those who have it into spending it.

    Maybe they will lower the costs for the next round? Or make different tiers of conversions? Have to see how it plays out over the course of 3 or 4 publishes.

    @McDougle It doesn't seem to me this is directed at those of us who are just playing the game. It really feels like Broadsword looked at their metrics and set up something desirable to take a bite out of bigger fishes accumulated gold. Granted, with some of the bank balance screen shots I've seen, they're gonna need a bigger bite! 

  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Arroth_Thaiel said:The prices shocked me. Yet, I can see why they did it.

    What can I say, there is a lot of gold out there, and this seems geared to entice those who have it into spending it.

    Maybe you see something I don't. I do not see how removing 9.6 plat max per shard once, while gold duping still exists, would accomplish anything except alienating more players.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    LMAO  UO removed 1000 times that amount and burnt the offenders houses to the ground and it was just a drop in an overflowing bucket.  This is the best idea that this DEV team can come up with tells us a lot about the future of UO.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    There is no way I will ever pay that much to place one of the winning designs.  I'm lucky to have 20 mil to split between four accounts to cover insurance cost these days and far less across most of the other shards.
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  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I've got around 60 million and I would expect to be paid at least double that to take any of the winning designs!  :p
  • @MissE , TBH, I liked your design a lot, i will for sure used that one over any other and been very honest and fair to the "winners". Because your designed was 1 of the winners and if you current have a castle already, your conversion should be Free!!
  • Sliss said:
    Maybe you see something I don't. I do not see how removing 9.6 plat max per shard once, while gold duping still exists, would accomplish anything except alienating more players.

    I think that's it, it's not once. Isn't it that every time a castle gets converted from one design to another, the conversion fee has to be paid?

    If/when new designs are released, and you want to change to the newer designs, that will be another fee?

    Every time a castle falls, and gets replaced, if the new owner wants to upgrade, there is more gold gone?

    Not sure how this system is actually going to work, but if it's an actual gold sink, it should be continuous, not a one time thing.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited September 2018
    @ MissE , TBH, I liked your design a lot, i will for sure used that one over any other and been very honest and fair to the "winners". Because your designed was 1 of the winners and if you current have a castle already, your conversion should be Free!!
    Thanks, I actually have 2 castles on Oceania which I have had for over 10 yrs, and since I am playing Siege for the past 2 yrs I have a Castle and Keep there. 

    If those prices are right then I will be leaving the game I think.  The day they start pricing stuff for those that have vast amounts of money due to duping and cheating as way to get money out of the game is the end for me.  I have run a shop on Oceania, Atlantic, and now on Siege.  I have never cheated, never dealt in rares, never duped, just played the way it is supposed to be played.  Due to my bloody hard work, and I think anyone who knows my shops, knows I cater to everyone with stuff that no one else rarely bothers to stock, as well as whatever high end drops I MAY get and want to sell to make every cent I have.  Now on Oceania, at 326 mil I could just afford to  upgrade both my castles if I wanted to have little money left, and that would be spending the money it has taken me 14+ yrs to amass.  Not gonna happen.

    On Siege, without even KNOWING the Siege markup, which is at least more than double.  ie 865k for a castle on Oceania cost 1.7m on Siege so I am assuming that 326m on prodo will equate to 6-700million on Siege where I am currently spending 80% of my effort I will not be able to afford to upgrade even on prodo prices, let alone Siege if those prices are correct. 

    After two yrs on Siege working my butt off, and having to pay dearly for my castle/keep there to start with I am left atm with about 50million in TOTAL.  Having said that, for Siege, from what I can gather I am relatively 'rich'.  To upgrade both the Castle and Keep I have, I would need about 1.1 billion.   So yeah that is NOT gonna happen.

    If they added a couple of noughts by accident, then all is good, it would cost me about 7mil for the castle and 3-4 mil to do my keep.   That is still taking 1/5th of my current value. 

    Prices should be based on what a NORMAL player can afford.  Lots of new players can place keeps and if lucky a castle yet at those prices they are basically saying you need to get into cheating and duping if you ever wanna change your castle from a regular one to a new one.  Not a great start. 

    I am hoping that the prices have 2 0's in error.  At that price then keep is about 1.9 million and the new castles between 1.8 and 3.3 mil which is a fair price on prodo, then whatever the siege mark up makes them. 

    How they went from House Value of 2,090,000 to 326 million I don't know.

    And yeah @AtlanticRealtor designers should get a conversion for free!  That is the only way at those prices I can have my own castle lol.  I seriously don't mind paying if the rate has two 0's dropped off though!

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Sliss said:
    Maybe you see something I don't. I do not see how removing 9.6 plat max per shard once, while gold duping still exists, would accomplish anything except alienating more players.

    I think that's it, it's not once. Isn't it that every time a castle gets converted from one design to another, the conversion fee has to be paid?

    If/when new designs are released, and you want to change to the newer designs, that will be another fee?

    Every time a castle falls, and gets replaced, if the new owner wants to upgrade, there is more gold gone?

    Not sure how this system is actually going to work, but if it's an actual gold sink, it should be continuous, not a one time thing.

    Yes, in theory every time there is a conversion, there is a fee to be paid. Now, lets think what will actually happen. Vast majority of castle owners will not do even single conversion. Partially because the cost is outrageous, but even more so because they can't be arsed to redecorate a castle that is bursting at seams with junk they stuffed into it over 20 year period. Out of the ones that do convert, vast majority will do it only once, again because the price is outrageous, especially for a design that someone else created. Remaining is a tiny minority of players who did accumulate vast wealth through honest and not so honest means who might convert more than once. But even ones for whom the expense is trivial will be vary to convert more than once simply because of the labor involved in redecorating.
    So the devs will be very luck to get the equivalent of every castle being converted once in total. Likely it will be much less than that due to the factors above. 
    So the end result - a lot of development time spent to release a feature that will not make a dent in the inflation, but will anger pretty much everyone with a castle or a keep. It will also undoubtedly produce a nice bump in profits for dupers and scripters. Not my definition of success.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
     I think the whole thing is to force people to go to the gold sellers.  I actually went to see exactly what it would cost me to get the gold on Siege and worked it out to be around $1200 real life. LMAO.  It would be feasible if you're on production shards as the same amount of gold would cost you around $70. 

    I have never cheated, never bought gold, so the money I have has been accumulated over 14 yrs or so, I could afford to convert on Oceania, but not on Siege, not in a pink fit. I seriously don't know who are all these multi platinum people who have all this money legitimately.

    I would need to spend about $1500 on soulstones to sell at 3 mil each. $15 per 1000 sovereigns = 1 soulstone.  So 5 bucks a mil roughly  x 313 =  $1,565  I would only have to sell 104 of em lmao. It is actually cheaper to go to the gold sellers than to do it legitimately. 

    I think on Siege the cost for a castle conversion should be 1/10th of the cost on production shards, we already pay MORE than double to place initially.  This just totally sucks.

    30 mil on Siege is equivalent to 300 mil on prodo instead @Kyronix has stated that the siege cost will be the same as on the other shards so we are being asked to pay over 10 times as much.  I am sorry but that is just criminal.  Anything more means we are getting totally screwed.  The gold sellers obviously know how hard it is to get gold on siege, just look at the difference in what they sell for.  250mil gps on Atlantic for $49.99, 5 mil on siege for $20.00.

    I am actually OK with 300 mil on Prodo it is a LOT but it is doable given that the money is much easier made.  Just as an example search today for a Crimmy, on Atlantic versus what you are gonna get for a crimmy on Siege. 

    They are getting well over 10 times the price.  Now that crimmy on Siege is currently on my vendor Cocos, and has been there for over a month now, so even at 2.2m  I am going to have to drop the price when I return from traveling.

    As the title says, if you are on Siege you may as well forget it unless you have been playing here for 20 yrs or wanna spend every single dime you have. I have been here 2 yrs now and working my ring off at my vendor house and as of now I have roughly 50m cash, and yes I did have to buy my castle which set me back over a 100m but even so, for 2 yrs bloody hard work I still wouldn't be able to make another 313 mil for a conversion for about another 3-6 yrs as the shard is much quieter now.  .  As I stated on the other forum:

    I am traveling outback Australia atm and I managed to check my email yesterday and noticed the newsletter and got a nice surprise to see that the devs selected my castle for that comp. Super delighted.

    Then I saw for me to build it on siege is gonna cost 313,500,000 gps.

    So now I am considering closing my three accounts and walking away. Talk about going from a high to a low.

    I read the so called 'justification' put out by the devs for the cost, and perhaps on regular shards it is OK, super expensive, but OK.  I know as a non cheating player after 14 yrs I could afford it on those shards.  JUST.  However the cost for Siege is just stupid and cannot be justified.

    Cheers MissE

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