Sorry Siege no New Castles for you.
OK so perhaps you don't care to change your castle but if you do I am afraid it may be totally impossible. I actually had mine selected and then I looked at the price on prodo.
Normal castles on prodo are around 865,000 on Siege they are 1,730,000
To build MY DESIGN after all that effort to design it etc would cost 326,475,000.... yes that is correct?? 365 MILLION???? on a production shard, on siege that will be god knows how much...... 800 MILLION or around that?
Are you serious ?????? No chance in HELL of ever getting up that much $$$ and I actually run a pretty successful shop on siege, but even I have no hope of getting whatever that is gonna be.
@Kyronix surely this is not for real. OK on regular shards maybe people can come up with that. But on siege given the inflated prices there is no way. How can a regular castle cost less than 1,000,000 yet a designed one cost 326,475,000 is this a mistake? Over 300 times the cost??? An extra couple of 0's added?
3,264,750 would be reasonable, I hope to hell it is lol.
Also there is a mix up on the names, when you try to place my castle 'The Spires' you get 'castle of Oceania and vice versa, placing that gives MY castle. They need to be switched on the tool.

Please advise on this. I think it would totally suck if having designed it I can't even afford to build it. In fact doubt anyone can afford to build any at those prices. It has to be an extra 0 surely???
Cheers MissE
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I suppose that's one way of making sure nobody changes to the new designs and they avoid the logistical nightmare of all that stuff going into and out of a house storage crate intact.
Where did the prices come from? Surely that isn't just the cost of the house tiles needed to build it?
Cheers MissE
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Honestly, with the amount of gold and platinum available, even on smaller shards, I bet your going to see lots of these new designs. I suspect that the majority of the player base greatly underestimates just how much gold the wealthier members of the player base have.
With these prices, people will have the added benefit of being able to show off that wealth.
1) While duping is still active in the game, any kind of gold sinks are about as effective as trying to bail an ocean with a bucket.
2) A one time expense is not an effective gold sink even if duping was not a factor.
3) It's the little guys, not super rich who suffer from inflation the most. Who do you think this pricing is going to hurt?
TL:DR - right motivation, wrong approach that will not work and hurt the population it is meant to benefit.
I don't know @Sliss, when I first saw the prices I was like "WTF??!!!??" Then I thought about it for a bit. These are 300 million gold vanity items. They have no advantage in game over a standard castle you can place for 800k gold (or buy for whatever amount). The storage is the same. Plus, we can customize the 800k gold castle 'till our little hearts are content. (And yes, castles cost more than that, which is my last paragraph.)
I agree with you on your point 1. Point 2 might work at this level of cash. I'm wondering if Broadsword didn't take a look at their metrics and see how much gold is there, who has it, who spends it, and what price point would most likely lead to a conversion and remove that gold from the game. Think about the rares trade forums. Those rares are selling for hundreds of millions to billions of gold. These are just new rares, but the gold gets pulled from the economy, not recycled. The price for the castle conversion seems to be right in the hotspot of rares market prices. I'm going to say that is not accidental.
Your point 3, well, if you already own a castle in UO, you're not one of the little guys. We're really talking about rich vs. super rich. I mean how much does a castle cost now? I think on Pac it's around 200 mil? What's Trammel Atlantic, a Plat, more? The "little guy" isn't playing at the level of owning a castle to begin with.
I love customizing houses, and in fact was torn having to move to a castle, just because you can't make much out of it with all the existing walls compared to 18x18. I was looking forward to new castle designs. While they are not my ultimate dream - fully customizable castle plot, they would have given me a few months worth of something fun to do.
I don't PvP, so I can't make money spawning. With taming nerfs, the roof and Doom are mostly out. So even a few hundred million are unrealistic for me.
Yeah, I have a castle on Pac as well, but no-where, I mean, no-where, near 150 mil. I enjoyed the creation portion of the contest. The prices shocked me. Yet, I can see why they did it.
What can I say, there is a lot of gold out there, and this seems geared to entice those who have it into spending it.
Maybe they will lower the costs for the next round? Or make different tiers of conversions? Have to see how it plays out over the course of 3 or 4 publishes.
@McDougle It doesn't seem to me this is directed at those of us who are just playing the game. It really feels like Broadsword looked at their metrics and set up something desirable to take a bite out of bigger fishes accumulated gold. Granted, with some of the bank balance screen shots I've seen, they're gonna need a bigger bite!
Treasure Hunters
I think that's it, it's not once. Isn't it that every time a castle gets converted from one design to another, the conversion fee has to be paid?
If/when new designs are released, and you want to change to the newer designs, that will be another fee?
Every time a castle falls, and gets replaced, if the new owner wants to upgrade, there is more gold gone?
Not sure how this system is actually going to work, but if it's an actual gold sink, it should be continuous, not a one time thing.
Cheers MissE
So the devs will be very luck to get the equivalent of every castle being converted once in total. Likely it will be much less than that due to the factors above.
So the end result - a lot of development time spent to release a feature that will not make a dent in the inflation, but will anger pretty much everyone with a castle or a keep. It will also undoubtedly produce a nice bump in profits for dupers and scripters. Not my definition of success.
Then I saw for me to build it on siege is gonna cost 313,500,000 gps.
So now I am considering closing my three accounts and walking away. Talk about going from a high to a low.
Cheers MissE