UO newsletter#29 worrying statement



  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited September 2018
    Sliss said:Dress/undress feature has been available without restrictions for years without any kind of problems. I don't see why it should start causing problems now. In addition, this feature has been available on 3rd party programs compatible with CC that are not policed in any practical manner. So any restrictions would be just an EC nerf  to satisfy some PvPers at the expense of vast majority of players.
    In PvM this feature adds quite a bit of things to do for players, since now you need more suits for your characters. It also adds for things to do during combat. But most importantly, it is actually a very nice gold sink. On some of my characters I carry 3 suits (Glass cannon, tank, luck). I die quite a bit more than if I had just one full defense suit. And when I die, my insurance bills is 30k. That adds up very quickly when you die multiple times to a hard boss or during events.

    What are you talking about???? Ever since day 1 they released the EC we have been complaining about insta dress without undress. So yes for years we have had problems. 

    As for when you die, nobody is saying to get rid of the feature where you double click your corpse and it dresses you, that is not a problem and no changes to that have been proposed, as you’re already undressed when you double click your corpse. 

    Contrary to this being a pvp issue, this is a pvm issue, you should not be able to insta switch to a luck suit to get full luck just for the last hit on a monster. You should not be able to switch to a medable high mana regen suit during combat in pvm without first undressing. 

    Pvmers are the WORST culprits for abusing this, not pvpers. 

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Mervyn said:
    What are you talking about???? Ever since day 1 they released the EC we have been complaining about insta dress without undress.
    Yes, you and two others. 99% of the players have no problems with it.
    Mervyn said:
    S you should not be able to insta switch to a luck suit to get full luck just for the last hit on a monster. You should not be able to switch to a medable high mana regen suit during combat in pvm without first undressing. 

    Says who? This is just your opinion.
    I outlined above a good case why this mechanic is a good one and is liked by vast majority of the players. Your reasoning seems to be based on just you not liking something.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited September 2018
    It only causes a problem for a small minority of the minority playerbase known as PvPers and like someone has already pointed out this has been in game with the EC and now all of a sudden it is a problem, priceless.  What do PvPers say to the PvMers when they say something, "deal with it".
  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    Another example of how this feature can be abused is through the damage eater setup.  Normally it is impossible to have 30 eater of every damage type. But with insta suit switching, you can basically bypass this.  If you are fighting a mage you can switch to your 30% fire eater and 30% energy eater suit. If you run into a dexer, you can quickly change to your 30% kinetic eater suit.  If fighting a necro, you can insta switch to a 30% poison eater and 30% fire eater setup.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited September 2018
    I’d like to see the source of your statistics. 

    Even if “most people” didn’t have an issue with it (which i see no evidence of) it would also be irrelevant. 

    I don’t express opinions, I post facts.

    if this was working as intended, then items wouldn’t have mods on them. Everyone would just have max everything all the time. Why put a faster casting cap of 2 on chivalry if magery is over 70 if you can bypass it?
    why make protection spell do -resisting spells skill if you can just bypass it by swapping jewels to replace faster casting with +resisting spells?
    why would they give a lower mana cost bonus to non medable armor?

    it completely negates almost every mod based aspect of the game. 

    You know when someone starts to clutch at straws when they say “everyone thinks this/that” total fake. Speak for yourself. 

    In fact, please see submitted bug report that predates the newsletter

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    You do not express facts you express your opinion and your opinion is always right according to you but nobody else.  Where are your statistics at, oh that is right the only people that require them are the people that disagree with you.  Your opinion holds about as much water as your autostable soapbox rant, both are you opinion only NOT fact.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited September 2018
    i feel like a couple people just want to keep abusing this feature for the free luck suit.  just get a real luck suit.

    Its a small price to pay for fixing the multitude of abuses this causes in pvp.   pvp is a joke right now and many of the abuses and fixes being called for over the last couple years have something to do with this exploit.

    extremely simple fix.  soulstones were fixed to only be useable in combat for the same reason this macro needs to be fixed.

  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Smoot said:
    Its a small price to pay for fixing the multitude of abuses this causes in pvp.   pvp is a joke right now and many of the abuses and fixes being called for over the last couple years have something to do with this exploit.
    It's a very large price to pay if it disrupts game play of many for a pet peeve of very few.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited September 2018
    We wouldn’t want to disrupt anyone’s game mechanic bypassing. So inconsiderate..
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I think everyone has now expressed their concerns on this topic, and the conversation is becoming much too personal.  Further discussion may be relevant when the entire scope of the planned change is revealed in future publish notes.
This discussion has been closed.