Town Cryers: testing how Governors can post

how can we test the town cryers as governors if we aren't govs on TC1?
Is it possible if the first governor gets to the stone, that they can claim governorship?
so we can test out how to interact with the town cryer as governors?
I see a few of the cities has posts, so maybe they were on when the devs were?

I'm Sonoma's Governor of Minoc, can't wait to start interacting with the citizens, so ready for this...


  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,202Dev
    If you can catch me on TC1 happy to set you up.  Either holler in general chat or come to the commons!
  • VioletViolet Posts: 414
    Kyronix was nice enough to hook me up to try Vesper on first day of the patch.  I really liked being able to write news stories for the town.  Easy to use. You can edit news' duration in days also.  
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