EM Event : Sept 29th @ 5 pm EST : Story Night

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 201Event Moderator

You begged. You pleaded. You threatened. I told you that you didn't need me to run THIS event, but you persisted. And, hereby setting a really bad precedent, I've given in.

On the evening of the 29th, I will be hosting Story Night. It will NOT be in a guard zone. It will be in a house that I own, but I'll only toss you out if you try to kill the person telling the story, or try to disrupt the story telling by spamming.. Sound Siege-like enough for you?

If you have a story to tell, but can't make it to Story Night, please send your tales, poems, etc to me. Either drop it in the mailbox, or email it. I'll read it out for you.

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