Vaults: who gets the gold?

CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
edited August 2018 in General Discussions
this morning someone was mentioning the auctions & I had the thought...
where do the funds go for the auctioned items?

why don't the funds go into the city treasuries? (if they don't already?)
equally divided amongst the cities
would go a long way towards helping out the less populated shards


  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited August 2018
    The funds should get removed from the game after the auction is over.

    I don't see Vaults helping less populated shards at all.
    Vaults are currently one token for one account usable on one shard.

    People spending $3.00/token for more than 3-4 shards would be so much better off just paying the $9.99-12.99/mo for a subscription you'd get much more storage with a sub anyway, that's the point.

    As for the city treasury & governor system...The Citizen should be able to choose any (1) buff from the city stone. instead of the Governor choosing a single buff that all citizens either use or move to a different city.

    The Trade Deals should cost the citizen ~20-50k (based on citizens loyalty, higher loyalty = lower cost) gold each time the buff is claimed, lasting for 24 hours.

    The city treasuries should have a percentage of the funds added each time citizens choose a buff (20-80% (based on the citizens loyalty, higher loyalty, higher % goes to treasury)) with the excess gold being removed from the game.

    at bare minimum the 7-day timer for changing citizenship should be removed, especially if the character has transferred in case the trade deal isn't the same on shard A as it is on shard B.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Totally agree that's the way the system should work.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    edited August 2018
    CovenantX said:

    As for the city treasury & governor system...The Citizen should be able to choose any (1) buff from the city stone. instead of the Governor choosing a single buff that all citizens either use or move to a different city.

    The Trade Deals should cost the citizen ~20-50k (based on citizens loyalty, higher loyalty = lower cost) gold each time the buff is claimed, lasting for 24 hours.
    These above 2 requests have been posed to the devs so many times it's laughable and also at innumerable Governor Meetings for several years now and nothing seems to happen.  No change, not even a "we'll look at it", --- oh wait yeah we've heard that one at least a dozen times from them.

    Our guild had 4 Governors on our shard keeping their buffs up continually in their respective cities and we finally decided we'd call it quits.  Nothing ever happens from any comment or suggestion and the gold just kept flowing out of our bank accounts.
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