Why is this bracelet aging?
One of my guys is wearing a bracelet which has its durability go down quickly outside of battle:

Just two days ago it was at full durability. He has been training with a 10-repeat macro using the enhanced client. The macro causes a drop of 4 durability every few iterations of:
- Delay (3)
- Cleansing Winds (self)
- Delay (5)
- Mass Sleep (self)
- Delay (5)
- Peacemaking (self)
Once I realized what was happening, I started watching closely. I observed it drop from 60 to 56 durability during the Peacemaking step. It doesn't drop every time, but in one series of 10 iterations, it will have maybe 2 drops.
I realize it is antique, and such items can age fast. But in my experience it is only damage to self which causes durability of items to drop. If I had been attacking myself with, say, Bombard, I could understand the durability drop. But nothing I am doing is self-damaging. Even the Sleep (self) isn't a debuff on me, but any foes near me.
Why is the durability dropping?
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
Thats why people dont like them.