we need love for bards!
Why can i not equip my Lute
why does i not have mods on it
why can we not have our own school of magic i don't wanna be a mage....
why does i not have mods on it
why can we not have our own school of magic i don't wanna be a mage....
- sould bards get love2 votes
- yes of course100.00%
- yes of course  0.00%
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
the song book i would like to see not OP or complicated
repeat performance = recall
encore = mark
remedy =cure/heal
this would only lead to my being able to play a bard without needing Chiv or magery for the simplest task
i can hunt and kill the mightiest beast with my bard skills and the masteries
for a sandbox game UO seems to want to shoehorn you into the same old builds...
1. its easy just rename some spells
2. not OP and hurts no one just let's people play with out magery or chiv
you call them spells i would call them songs
Treasure Hunters
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.