old macer/peacemaker/healer character needs help
My namesake, Rock, is my first character, dating back to 1999. His current skills and attributes are:
- Anatomy: 96.8
- Chivalry: 48.7
- Focus: 59.8
- Healing: 93.7
- Mace: 107.4
- Music: 107.1
- Peace: 106.5
- Tactics: 100
- human
- 96d/45i/104s
For example, yesterday evening several guild members, a friend, and he went to Wrong, 2nd level, to fight Fezzik the Ogre Cook. We fought him several times, and our purpose was met, getting Three-Tier Cake recipe scrolls for everyone's accounts. However, in the 4 battles, Rock never did enough damage to even gain looting rights. He was using a fairly nice mace, though not a slayer weapon. It included, among other things, 41% Hit Life Leech His peacemaking was insufficient to work on Fezzik, although area peace could calm down the attending mobs. The one useful thing I think he did was drag away a number of the mobs, peace them, then head back to Fezzik. They were out of range to re-aggro.
The first attempt did not go well, with multiple deaths. After that, one person changed his character to a tamer and added a 2nd cu sidhe to the mix, and another character frequently cast Cleansing Winds (area heal, cure, remove curse). This worked well, though there were still occasional deaths. (Fezzik hits hard -- I think Rock received 83 damage in one blow once.)
Overall, though, I am underwhelmed by Rock's performance. His other recent battles were less than stellar as well. I am considering doing a more drastic template shift than eliminating chiv and focus. Dropping Healing and possibly Anatomy would give him some skill points to play around with. He'll be keeping Mace, Tactics, Music, and Peace though; everything else is open. How would you improve this character?
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
A bard/warrior hybrid could be interesting, but I'm wondering how effective you'll find it in the long run?
I guess the first question would be, what exactly are you attempting to turn Rock into? You mentioned team play, so you could think of this template as a support character? Or are you trying to just experiment and try something different for fun? (I know, just playing for fun? Who would have thought!)
Since you have music/peace and mace/tactics I guess technically you're trying to build a pacifist fighter? You might be able to peace some things while focusing damage on one, but you're not putting out all that much damage without another skill (Chiv, bush, etc.)
It seems as though you are following three different paths, healer, warrior, bard. Cramming all that onto a template might be tough.
If you were going for team support you could keep healing/anat for cross healing, curing, and ressing, use music/peace for crowd control, and help out a wee bit with mace/tactics/(anat) for damage. This might be an interesting support build if you could keep the mana up for one of the peace masteries (mana leech weapons maybe?), but you'd be at a fraction of full bard power.
I don't know what to tell ya. That's a very different character you're trying. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.
I remember when powerscrolls were introduced and many dev statements were something like, "Now you'll have 2 ways to build your character. You can choose to have 7 skills at 100, or focus into just 6 skills at 120. Either way will be just as viable!"
Then all the skill curves got changed so that to have a decent chance at success you needed 120 skill. There went the 7 skills at 100 idea.
Honestly, with all the +skill stuff out there now, you can just have 7 skills at 120.
Problem solved!
Like you, I have a couple of older characters that I am having to completely rethink. I am most of the way done with the organization, but rescrolling everything is a real drag.
I think that he wants to stick with Mace/Music/Peace because he's scrolled for those to at least 110.
@Rock, my understanding is that you can effectively use poisoning in place of tactics (Just for special moves? Or does poisoning replace the tactics damage bonus as well?)
If you keep Macefighting, you're definitely trying to do damage with the weapon and keep everything but your main opponent Peaced, correct? If so, then I would absolutely take up additional damage (Chiv/Bushido). Chiv seems the easiest way to get there. Without Parry, no reason why you couldn't use 2-handed maces. Or you could go Chiv/Parry, skip the focus, and use 1handers and a shield.
Mystic/Focus seems good as well, but you're going to take a lot of damage staying in melee combat and have little defense (no parry or resist). Would Stoneform help out at all?
The major challenge I see is that you need high Hit Points to stand in melee combat, high Stamina to keep your swing speed up and do damage, and high mana to use your specials or keep a bard mastery running. I think you're headed for 60SSI and 100% HML weapons.
Honestly, unless your dedicated to trying this, I would just accept that the times, they have seriously changed, and drop music/peace to make a more standard fighter. Or drop Mace/Tac and go to a pure support character (by drop, I mean soulstone). Something like music/peace/anat/heal/magery/med (EV's would still be max power without Eval, I think???).
You definitely have a lot of options.
- Archery: 102.5
- Focus: 101.2
- Music: 108.4
- Mysticism: 67.3
- Peacemaking: 108.1
- Tactics: 100
120 is the goal value down the line, but he has yet to read any 120 power scrolls.