suggestion: tuneable delay while crafting scrolls
Forgive the awful annotation, but I'd like to suggest something like shown below be added to the Inscription gump:

What it would allow for is using the radio buttons to add extra seconds between crafting scrolls using either [Make Max] or [Make Number]. It would default to 0 (the value used now) when first brought up, but then remember the last selection throughout one's play session. Since inscription is mana dependent, and there are so many variations in a character's mana generation capability, max mana, and inscription cost, it would be nice to choose to add an extra delay between each scroll.
examples: You have a BOD to craft 20 level 5 scrolls. You might only need to add 3 or 5 seconds between each scroll so the process can complete before running out of mana. Or, if you need to craft 20 level 8 scrolls, a better delay might be 9 seconds. (I'm not sure if you'd ever need to add as much as 11 seconds, but I included it just in case.)
As things stand now, the multi-craft capability is often useless because the process proceeds much faster than the scribe's mana can regenerate.
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
Instead of radio buttons, how about a tick box that says,
_ Wait for mana to reach [***] before proceeding
You can check the box to turn the option on, and use the *** to set the mana level you want before continuing.
This would have the added affect of bringing the EC in line with the CC/UOA, since UOA already has this function. (It would also be nice to see the "Wait for" function available in EC macro's in addition to the crafting screen.)
I understanding keeping the mana requirements to *use* the scroll, but not when crafting the scroll.
Its double taxation. A mana tax on production and a mana tax on use.
this is not a pole.
my opinion is meaningless without being able to give a reason.