How should I take on Zipactriotl

I have collected the various parts from The Zealotry of Zipactriotl quest and I think I am ready to take on Zipactriotl.  Other than having a second person to throw switches what else should I take into account?  For example what are his resists? 
Does he cast spells? 
Do any slayers help or hinder? 
Would a pure mage even stand a chance? 
Am I allowed to summon elementals to fight him?
If I do manage to kill Zipactriotl how much time do I have to collect gold and other loot?  Am I allowed to leave and come back to collect more loot?


  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    I've only done him once myself, but there are a couple of youtube videos that may give some help. I also sent you a couple of links since I think I can't post links to another forum on here. Hope someone can answer some other questions for you.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I could be wrong but I think you have 0 chance of solo'n him...again, could be wrong.
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  • Zipactriotl will annihilate a pure Mage. Seriously. He does a "Mana Burn" ability that if it hits you, it deals 1 damage for every point of current Mana that you have above 50. With Pure Mages usually running 200+ Mana, that's 150+ Damage if the Mana Burn touches you. Insta death. He'll plow through any summons too. Not to mention after you flip the switches, you'll have a bunch of mini-Shimmering Effusions spawn, that have no slayer, and will cast spells on you while dealing area damage with their aura, making it extremely difficult to get casts off outside of Protection.
    Zipactriotl is weakest to Poison damage.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Thanks.  Sounds like I will need an armor set that increases my HP instead of my Mana.
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