Necro Gargoyle Xmas in July
This evening my Mystic/Bladeweaver/Imbuer was hunting toxic sliths to gain favor with the Queen. They give horned leather and pretty good loot, and as an imbuer-in-training, provide lots to unravel. But this evening he had an especially good haul for his brother Gargoyle:

Ochre Muerte is a Necro/Fencer/Poisoner, and it is hard to imagine finer weapons for him. (Okay, hitting harder would be nice, but a 2s speed on both is pretty good compensation.) The dagger provides some nice buffs and allows for Infectious Strike, while the bloodblade is a 100% energy weapon with 2 nice "hit" side effects. The spell channeling isn't that much of a bonus for him, but at least he'll be able to Recall and not be disarmed.
Every once in a while my blacksmith likes to intercept such weapons and see if she can improve them. She knew not to mess with the 100% elemental bloodblade, but why not risk 3 valorite ingots and see if she could send the dagger into chaos damage territory? Catastrophic failure was a likelihood, but Ochre Muerte wouldn't be hurt by what he never had, right? But surprisingly, the enhancement succeeded, as you can see in the picture.
It's really cool when you receive loot which your team can get the most out of.
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
To be honest I don't even pick stuff up for my imbuer anymore unless it is Artifact quality.
I can only assume you have never hunted at Navrey?
A lot of Gargoyle stuff drops and they are "ALOT" better than those pieces