Preview of new client for publish 101

This new client will have all of the features of Enhanced Client, however will give the added bonus of faster movement speed, faster casting speed, and even faster equipment changes. The client will be available for download for ALL users, so there should be no complaints about imbalance. As you can see there is no interface, you just see the code and play with that.

Ofcourse this is satire, however raises a serious issue with regards to client balances. Why should User interface preference affect game play. The 2 clients should have the same movement speed regardless of preference of graphics style.

I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

Breaking in the young since 2002


  • RockRock Posts: 567
    "Enhanced" Client ...
    "Classic" Client ..
    One can choose to play either.  What many are used to for up to two decades, or what has better features.  Everything is in the names.  Well, not everything.  I think maybe the Enhanced Client should be called "The Enhanced Client, Not the 3D Client" so that people will finally stop saying, "The EC gives me a headache."
    I understand why the development team is stuck maintaining two clients, but in any logical world it would be seen as a waste of resources.  The EC could be even more enhanced than it is if the staff was freed up from maintaining a 20-year-old interface.  It is not going to happen though because too many vets won't give up the CC and would leave the game rather than use something more full-featured and modern.  Just as I would leave if I were forced to use an interface that was antiquated and non-standard the day it was built.  (Not that the EC conforms to modern norms either, but at least I don't feel like I'm playing a 16-bit console game.)
    I don't mean to sound like I'm trolling, but I'm sure to many that is exactly how they will interpret this.  I'm mainly just frustrated by the silliness of it all.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    I believe the new client should have an instant kill feature. This would allow the player to instantly kill any monster or player by targeting them.  Since the client would be available for download by everyone, it should be fair.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    And you are free to use what client you want to right now so this thread is nothing more than your usual bullcrap.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    cobb said:
    I believe the new client should have an instant kill feature. This would allow the player to instantly kill any monster or player by targeting them.  Since the client would be available for download by everyone, it should be fair.

    Well, it would be able to keep up with CC+ users then wouldn't it?
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited July 2018

    In the same way Burberry will not let chavs wear or display their items, UO should not let chavs play the game. (They prefer to burn £28m of goods per year rather than let them fall into the wrong hands).

    EC users are basically chavs. Their simple mindedness and lack of style or class, has brought about the downfall of UO. It's all in the mind.

    Delete EC, get rid of the chavs, the game would be better for it.

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    there are features in classic client that are not available on enhanced. Namely range check last target. 

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    This thread serves no useful purpose and is classed as a troll.
This discussion has been closed.