Preview of new client for publish 101

This new client will have all of the features of Enhanced Client, however will give the added bonus of faster movement speed, faster casting speed, and even faster equipment changes. The client will be available for download for ALL users, so there should be no complaints about imbalance. As you can see there is no interface, you just see the code and play with that.
Ofcourse this is satire, however raises a serious issue with regards to client balances. Why should User interface preference affect game play. The 2 clients should have the same movement speed regardless of preference of graphics style.
I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.
Breaking in the young since 2002
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Well, it would be able to keep up with CC+ users then wouldn't it?
In the same way Burberry will not let chavs wear or display their items, UO should not let chavs play the game. (They prefer to burn £28m of goods per year rather than let them fall into the wrong hands).
EC users are basically chavs. Their simple mindedness and lack of style or class, has brought about the downfall of UO. It's all in the mind.
Delete EC, get rid of the chavs, the game would be better for it.