Does this archery build make any sense?

I am a returning player.  Exploring my characters, I found this goal template for one Dr.Arty on Oceana:
  • "Archer and Full Up Healer"
  • 120: Archery
  • 100: Tactics, Anatomy, Healing
  • 100: Spirit Speak, Resist Spells
  • 60: Chivalry
  • 40: Meditate

Obviously if he ever reaches those levels, he'll be a very good archer and have 3 ways to heal. My other fighter-class characters usually don't take Resist Spells, though.  I have no idea why Dr.Arty wishes to max it.  Maybe it was a role play build. Building him to 100 Spirit Speak kinda makes me happy. But looking at it many years after setting those goals, it seems the 100 in Resist would be better spent on buffing Chivalry and adding some Focus.

Any comments?

Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited March 2018


    So, just questions here, trying to understand what you were trying to build. Maybe I'm totally missing something. Which is likely. I'm probably wrong on a lot of the skill interactions now!

    Why Meditate? Med will regen your mana, but the only thing you have spending mana is Chiv. You can get plenty of mana regen from items. Plus, for a fighter, you will have to have mage armor on every piece, or have all med capable armor. Wouldn't it be better to just drop the med and have mana regen pieces?

    Next would be, why spirit speak? I could be just totally missing something here. Were you going to put necro on this character to get the healing bonus from spirit speak?

    Resist is pretty good for a lot of builds....depending on the type of thing you're fighting. I have it on a couple of my fighters.

  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Arroth, thanks for your response. I probably came up with this template over a decade ago, so I'm not exactly up on things, either. He probably chose Meditate since there weren't a lot of points available for either Meditate or Focus. Since Meditate is quicker at building mana, he chose that, but Focus might well be the better choice.

    I've always that that Spirit Speak was a good thematic (role play) accompaniment to being a healer. If you are going to res someone, you might as well be able to talk to them first.  Now that Spirit Speak has been enhanced to offer healing capability (at a mana cost if using own energy) it is even a better match. I've never been one to be a power player, so a lot of my builds try to offer a bit of flexibility outside some "flavor of the day" build. Plus at 100 skill one could role play as a ghost (not pretend to be a ghost, but be an actual, talking ghost) -- go into Felucca and sh*t talk reds. I.e., walk around in just a robe, carrying only a banana and a book, let a red kill you, and have fun. All he can do is leave; you're untouchable as a ghost. The book might be titled, Up Yours. A typical Necromancer would likely have too much ego to bother with that, but this guy is just a healer that can shoot a bow.

    I realize Resist Spells is generally regarded as more useful than Spirit Speak unless one is a Necromancer.  But Chivalry does offer a Remove Curse spell, which should partly make up for low or no Resist. That's why I'm thinking about trading it and Meditate for more Chivalry and Focus.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095

    With all the jewelry/items out there now, you might not even have to trade stuff off. You can probably get close to skill cap with all of them!

    Your idea for trash talking reds could make for some fun. :)

  • PapaSmurfPapaSmurf Posts: 112
    100 resist is pretty useless tbh, 120 or nothing  especially in PvP with sleep para etc :D

  • PenNPaperPenNPaper Posts: 97
    edited March 2018
    Hi I have been playing around with a archer Chiv build for a few weeks now.

     I did my stats a bit different, I started my player with the following stats
     Str=25 , 30 is required to equip a Bow.

     25 str requires lumber jacking to power stat to by Lumber Jacking and this can take a hour or so but not really that much time.
     I did this because I wanted to keep my dex higher but this is not a necessity. You could do


     As for playing archer I would train Lumberjacking in customize class. And also train bow fetching You only need 50 to 60 Lumberjacking and about 30ish Fetching . The reason for this is to make your own arrows or bolts. You will go through a lot of arrows as a Archer and store wise you are looking at using a couple hundred arrows an hour of so. Buying arrows from the store you are looking at a lot of money. Also I would recommend farming feathers from Eagles in New Haven and possibly find an area with chickens and turkeys as they drop a good amount of feathers. Buying feathers from the store is also fairly expensive.
  • SwordofExcaliburSwordofExcalibur Posts: 95
    edited March 2018
    Rock said:
    I am a returning player.  Exploring my characters, I found this goal template for one Dr.Arty on Oceana:
    • "Archer and Full Up Healer"
    • 120: Archery
    • 100: Tactics, Anatomy, Healing
    • 100: Spirit Speak, Resist Spells
    • 60: Chivalry
    • 40: Meditate

    Obviously if he ever reaches those levels, he'll be a very good archer and have 3 ways to heal. My other fighter-class characters usually don't take Resist Spells, though.  I have no idea why Dr.Arty wishes to max it.  Maybe it was a role play build. Building him to 100 Spirit Speak kinda makes me happy. But looking at it many years after setting those goals, it seems the 100 in Resist would be better spent on buffing Chivalry and adding some Focus.

    Any comments?

    100 SS will get you at most 50HP back if you hit the max value from a corpse, your min is determined by the mob's fame.  So a Balron at 24000 fame would look like 49-50 for a heal.

    SS is nice if you're fighting lots of mobs, but vs a boss, without corpses, the skill is of no use.  Without a corpse, the skill would heal you 14 for a cost of 10 mana.

    Since your temp bases dps with large doses of healing, you could basically tank your own mobs without needing a pet and that's cool.  You're not using spells to heal and interrupting your dps, so I see why maybe you choose this temp.

    But as it was mentioned, you should go 120 Resist or not.  100 Resist is just meh.  Besides that, in PVE, I'd rather have more dps at my disposal.  With your Chiv, you may as well just cure your own curses.  Further, Enchanted Apples would remove your curses, so your temp has two curse removals. if you use consumables.  I mean, your temp is on the more tanky side, so if you want to be tanky, sure.

    But don't underestimate the power of a 120 Chiv and 20K Karma.  I love playing my Paladin at that and the bonuses you get from your Chiv spells are great.

    I've tried going 60 Chiv on a few temps and with it watered down, even with +skills, it feels clunky.

    And as an archer, you want to go with a Studded Leather suit for up to 50-55 Lower Reagent Cost.  Part of archer, as I've played, is the ability to spam Armor Ignore and other weaponskills. You'll need mana leech.  In fact, since your keen on the Spirit Speak, you should drop Resist for Necro and your mana problems would be nil changing into a wraith.  Spamming weaponskills is ideal.  I've done SS/Necro on my archer before.  Loved it.

    I mean you could go a few directions with this temp, imo, but its interesting.  GL
    Dennis the Peasant: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." 
    Arthur: "Be quiet!" 
    Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” 
    Monty Python & the Holy Grail
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Ya'll are providing great feedback for all aspects of this template. Thank you!

    Concerning SwordofExcalibur's post:
    1. If the only magic were Chivalry, why go for a 50% LRC suit?  Does LRC apply to tithing now? I don't think it used to. ("Gold -- the ultimate reagent!") 
    2. Replacing both Chivalry and Resist with Necro is very intriguing. One of the main reasons the template included Chiv was for Sacred Journey, but Wraith Form can Recall with no magery skill. Then replacing the 40 Meditate with 80 Focus would be just as good for mana recovery plus offer significant stamina recovery. That would leave another 20 points to distribute elsewhere, maybe Necro. The downside would be now there would be nesist Resist Magic nor the Remove Curse spell. OTOH, necro offers several counter curses, as well as various buffs from his summons.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
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