Was Conductive Blast changed?

PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
@Bleak ; @Kyronix

I asked what this meant while it was on TC but was ignored.
  • Pet AI: Conductive Blast now deals damage after the resistance de-buff is applied.

I used a AI/CB Cu Sidhe on Navrey for 15 minutes.  Mana dropped like crazy. Only did Conductive Blast 4 times and it only lasted 3 - 4 seconds.  I was loring constantly. Which is not very fast for me.  But I never saw CB last for 2 lores.

Please make CB last longer.  It is not overpowered.  A 100% energy pet can not get it.  Cus only do 50% energy damage.   In that 15 mins she was down 1/4 life.  Luckily 2 others came in with better damagers and killed her.

It looks no different than it was before pub 100.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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