Meet and Greet!

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 201Event Moderator
Just a reminder, or a first notice for those of you who haven't heard, tonight, Monday 25th June, at 7 pm EST, The Dark Lady herself, the Great and Glorious Mesanna, and her trusty sidekicks, will be visiting Siege!
Gates to Serpents Hold will appear in the usual places!
Bring your questions, bring your best clothes (or your worst, if you expect blood-stains) and join us!


  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    A summation of the meeting with our Dark Lady and her royal court. A complete account, with the side comments removed and a bit of editing for typos, can be found on the Siege forums... elsewhere. This forum does not allow enough characters.

    Summer is a time when folks are enjoying sunshine and vacations, and is always a slow time for Siege. A great time to get farming and crafting done for the rest of us! And so the line of citizens seeking an audience with Sosaria's royalty was modest in size, but not lacking in diversity.


    Something I would like to note is that there was a bit of confusion and shuffling at the start of the first interview. It became evident that the stage was... flawed. During the rest of the hour with the Devs, it was broken down and reconstructed by invisible forces. Interesting to watch :P 


    Naz'ghoul Mortis asked about increasing pet caster stats to put them more on par with melee, and was asked to send an email with his exact ideas. In the meantime, they would wait and see how the most recent changes to pets played out first.

    Deraj asked about removing word restrictions in guild titles that referred to in-game professions, since most of the titles could be seen as suffixes now. Mesanna said she would be fine with removing some of them, perhaps, after looking into ways they might be exploited. Kyronix reminded us that there have been a lot of new titles added for RP, and that if anyone would like to see something in particular just send an email or post it on the official forums.

    Leawyn II asked if MyUO would ever be back online. Mesanna answered that they need to add a feature to allow players to opt out of it, since there are new laws protecting gamers. But the Devs do want to see MyUO back, and were working on it.

    Gov Sweetz Rep wanted to the thank the team for the changes to the goblin statue. :)

    DonTrun asked Mesanna to marry him, but the Dark Lady is already spoken for.

    Max Blackoak asked about the changes to the Despise Champion Spawn, noting that his testing of it on TC1 did not show it to be any better - in fact, worse. He was answered that some aspects had not been released yet, as Bleak was on his anniversary, but that they would be added soon for more testing. He then asked for any news about the review of 3rd party programs. Mesanna was not able to give any info on that, except to say that if anyone would like to see a particular program approved to email info on it to her for inspection.

    Carrick McGee asked the team to look into the mysterious disappearance of white Cu Sidhe since color changes were added. Mesanna said this was the first they had heard of it, and would look into it.

    Sionbreia asked the devs to look into the artifact drop rate in Doom, and raise it. They said they would see if it could use some adjusting.

    Shiver me Timber asked if they could re-introduce passive detect to siege or at least to pvp towns. Mesanna said they were not aware it was not working, and they would look into it. Shiver then asked about adjusting reforging when trying to get specific properties. Misk answered that if you are looking to reforge specific properties onto an item, you can always specify the suffix or prefix of the item. Otherwise, it is random. Shiver then asked about reducing vendor fees on Siege, to which the reply was "not at this time".

    Cleastra asked to have the old bounty system back, to which Mesanna said she wished they could but they had to remove it when rating changes were made years ago. However, she did like the idea of it and they would look into re imagining the system.

    Astynax asked to have VvV artifacts back on Siege. Mesanna said there would need to be an official poll with a fairly high YES margin before she would act to change the way things are now. As it is, the community seemed to be evenly split so it would be staying the same. Astynax then asked if we could have a second Siege bless to help with building a good suit. Mesanna said that was something they could talk about.

    Max Blackoak returned to ask if Mesanna knew about a certain program that allowed certain illegal things during IDOCs. Mesanna said no, and Max offered to email her the specifics.

    This marked the end of our hour with our overlords. There were thanks from both sides, and Mesanna reminded us to check the newsletter for any updates to our questions. And by this point, the stage had gotten a full facelift!


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