How do you organize your BOD books?

I started working BODs about a week ago.  My scribe can make BOD books easily enough, but I am wondering how experienced BODders organize their books.  I'll tell you my strategy so that you can critique it and offer alternatives.

Thus far they are broken down by profession, then, in the majority of cases, I further break them down by quantity. Inscription, Alchemy, and Cooking do not need different sets of ingredients (such as colored ore or wood), and very few if any Inscription and Alchemy items can be made exceptionally.  Thus they currently have one book each.  Bowcraft includes alternative materials of both normal and exceptional quality but compared to other professions has a relatively low item count.  Thus I am currently only using one book for it too.  It won't surprise me if I eventually need multiple book classes for Bowcraft, though.

Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Tailoring, and Tinkering all have four books each.  One for Large BODs of any quantity, then separate books for 20-, 15-, and 10-count deeds.  My plan (which I am already behind on) is to make the BODs as I go, keeping track of which small BODs may eventually end up as part of a large BOD.  If not, it gets turned in and a new BOD takes its place.

Please critique my approach and offer your strategy if different than mine.  Thank you.
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Tailor and Smith BODs are all sorted by reward, type of iron/leather, group (plate/chain/etc, male/female/etc)  I sort them out as much as I can.  I also have Bribe up books.  All this is stored on 76 bod vendors LOL

    The only thing I have to say is do what is easiest for you to keep track of your BODs.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,627
    I bribe up all cooking, alchemy, and  inscription BODs that make larges.When I get a large I bride it up and make it.  

    Smithing I keeps the ones that make armor larges and drop weapons.  Also bribe those up to make as I need.  I use shields for PoF.

    Tailor I only keep the leather that make larges and bribe them up as I get the large.

    I only need one book for each.  No need to collect BODS for eternity.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • As the books have filters for Large/small , skill material type and numbers, that work well.
     Its best for me to sort after other things. Smith after reward type . I use 1 vendor for pof bods and one book for each colour on it. 1 vendor for hammer rewards  but no armor bods that go into larges that i want to fill. ..The keepers for large armor bods are sorthed after armor type. One book for bods i want to bribe if i need them.  All others are easier.
    Tailor larges  after rewards, and different material types for all small. All others i have after reward type, no matter if small or large. 
    Filled bods not claimed yet ..saves space.. i dont keep on vendors as it happened I didnt get the security settings right and there are people checking bod storage vendors that gladly pick up such book..House being set private doesnt help there. 
    I manage on 47 vendors . All  dress coded  in clothes with material colours or just the colour of the bod for newer skills.  
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited June 2018
    I like to let them build up for a while and then fill them on a rainy day. For me, I am fine with using the BOD book's built in filters for size, quantity, and material. Most are going to get bribed up anyway. Instead, I separate them by the BOD itself. When I am ready to fill a large, I can pull out the BOD book that has that type of small and find it easier. Junk BODs are ones destined to be filled and traded in for, hopefully, better BODs.

    Tailor for example has 1) cloth/shoes, 2) leather/female, and 3) bone/studded. There are no ''junk'' bods for tailor, as every single possible small BOD can be paired with a large.

    Blacksmithing has 1) Weapons (strictly for Artisan Festival bank points, as any reward that can be claimed by these larges can be done easier and cheaper with a colored small), 2) Chain/Ring/Plate 3) Junk and smalls that I can bribe up for fort powder and low end runics.

    Alchemy has 1) Lesser/Regular/Greater, 2) Explosion/Poison, and 3) Junk.

    Tinker has 1) Jewelry, 2) Dining/Tools/Key, 3) Junk and certain colored smalls that can be bribed up for the fort keg.


    For me, I don't put unfilled larges in books. I set them next to the book with their matching smalls, and when a few larges have accumulated, then I start digging thru the BOD books to fill at least one or two of them. If larges start to pile up without enough smalls to fill them, then I spend an afternoon filling junk smalls to trade in. (In the case of tailor, this means cloth smalls that cannot reward CBD.) I also start filling non-junk small BODs like lesser heal that have way more smalls than I will ever have enough larges for.

    For storage reasons, I keep filled large bods in a book rather than claiming the item. When I need a certain reward, I flip through the BODs that are ready for redemption first by using the book's filters for skill, then look in the unfilled books.

    I am a casual crafter with just one char on Siege collecting BODs (when I remember), and I do not sell rewards. So, this is what works for me.
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Thanks, everyone.  All four of you have mentioned bribing, which I have yet to do.  I knew about it but didn't realize bribing was so normative.  Looks like I need to get on that.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    I never bribe...waste of gold in my opinion...I have tried a few times...mainly for the Artisan Festival and it was a complete waste of time and gold as I never got the BOD's bribed up to what I needed...they either went up to a higher count or a totally different say I needed a 10 count exp something so I got a 10 count normal and it would jump to 15 normal...another 10 count normal would go 10 count but of the next higher material...very annoying.

    Tailoring gets sorted by Large BODs, 10,15,20 count Cloth, leather, Spined, Horned, Barbed smalls...(yes that's a lot of BOD books) and then one for just footwear...I don't know HOW many larges I have that the only small I need is the footwear and I never get it :/

    Smith is sorted only by Large and Small, 10,15 and 20 Normal and Exp as there are WAY too many different ores to sort them that way...ALL of my iron BOD's are separate, everything else gets thrown together and I use the books sort feature.

    I don't do much of the others...I do have one book each for the other crafts though.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,627
    Larisa said:
    I never bribe...waste of gold in my opinion...I have tried a few times...mainly for the Artisan Festival and it was a complete waste of time and gold as I never got the BOD's bribed up to what I needed...they either went up to a higher count or a totally different say I needed a 10 count exp something so I got a 10 count normal and it would jump to 15 normal...another 10 count normal would go 10 count but of the next higher material...very annoying.

    Tailoring gets sorted by Large BODs, 10,15,20 count Cloth, leather, Spined, Horned, Barbed smalls...(yes that's a lot of BOD books) and then one for just footwear...I don't know HOW many larges I have that the only small I need is the footwear and I never get it :/

    Smith is sorted only by Large and Small, 10,15 and 20 Normal and Exp as there are WAY too many different ores to sort them that way...ALL of my iron BOD's are separate, everything else gets thrown together and I use the books sort feature.

    I don't do much of the others...I do have one book each for the other crafts though.
    Thats why you bribe everything to max and get the highest reward for that large BOD.  Costs a lot but you can make more by selling the reward.

    I have no idea why people save so many BODs for eternity.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Problem is I don't get very many large bods...and I won't waste time and material filling junk smalls to turn in for the small chance at getting a large...UO's RNG hates me :/

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Larisa said:
    I never bribe...waste of gold in my opinion...I have tried a few times...mainly for the Artisan Festival and it was a complete waste of time and gold as I never got the BOD's bribed up to what I needed...they either went up to a higher count or a totally different say I needed a 10 count exp something so I got a 10 count normal and it would jump to 15 normal...another 10 count normal would go 10 count but of the next higher material...very annoying.

    Tailoring gets sorted by Large BODs, 10,15,20 count Cloth, leather, Spined, Horned, Barbed smalls...(yes that's a lot of BOD books) and then one for just footwear...I don't know HOW many larges I have that the only small I need is the footwear and I never get it :/

    Smith is sorted only by Large and Small, 10,15 and 20 Normal and Exp as there are WAY too many different ores to sort them that way...ALL of my iron BOD's are separate, everything else gets thrown together and I use the books sort feature.

    I don't do much of the others...I do have one book each for the other crafts though.
    If you were trying to get a 10N to got to a 10X with the bribe system it only happens once in a blue moon.  You totally misunderstood what the bribe system is about.  Also if you are filling every LBOD without bribing them up to useful rewards then you are just wasting your time and resources.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,914
    I put all of my BODs in skill specific books and then keep track of which BODs I have in Microsoft Excel. 
  • I have a BOD reward vendor and use some rewards myself as well. Without bribing I doubt this would be possible even. And there are NPCs that charge very little most of the time so recall around and check other towns if you think its expensive,. 
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited June 2018
    Without the bribe system, a huge stockpile of BODs needs to be horded so that different sizes of smalls can eventually match larges. This is how it was done for many years, people are used to it, and see bribing as a waste of gold since they never "needed" it before to get BOD rewards, and still do not.

    That method, while effective, sacrifices efficiency. You are spending less gold because you are not bribing, but you are making less gold because you are selling a 110 PS claimed with a normal 10ct 6pt plain leather LBOD that could have been used to claim a barbed kit. The value of the BOD reward outweighs the overhead expense of bribing (if you do it right).

    On Siege, bribing costs the same as other shards, but gold is much more valuable. The profit margin can be very slim, so the best method is a mixture of old school and bribing. As for trading in junk BODs for a roll of the RNG, that has to be done wisely as well.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    TimSt said:
    I put all of my BODs in skill specific books and then keep track of which BODs I have in Microsoft Excel. 
    And this is why I am giving all of my BOD's away....I play a are supposed to be fun....if I need an excel spreadsheet to play a game, it's not fun anymore :/

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,914
    Larisa said:
    And this is why I am giving all of my BOD's away....I play a are supposed to be fun....if I need an excel spreadsheet to play a game, it's not fun anymore :/

    A spreadsheet would not be needed if they just made the BOD book sortable. My preferred sort order is item name, quality, material, and amount.
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,292
    Pawain said:

    I have no idea why people save so many BODs for eternity.  
    Next time on UO Hoarders  . . .

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,627
    Larisa said:
    And this is why I am giving all of my BOD's away....I play a are supposed to be fun....if I need an excel spreadsheet to play a game, it's not fun anymore :/

    Naw, Bribing them up and getting the good rewards is fun. No spreadsheet required.   That's why all the rune libraries have Runes to all the Shops around the world.  You never wondered why players needed runes to all the shops?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    I would rather spend less gold buying the rewards then bribing up a million bods to get one of my own thanks :)

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,627
    psst  Cooking and alchemy BODs.  

    dont tell anyone.  Cheap and the dyes sell fast.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Cooking BOD's are horrid....there are certain things that I can do over and over and Andro's...spawns...shadowguard...I can chain spawns all day long..if I have my guildies on we could chain shadowguard all day long....filling BOD's?? Not so much...I used to like filling BOD's...but with Bribing and all the changes I don't care for it so much anymore...I was so proud the day I made my first platemail gorget with my name on it...GM smithing OMG what an accomplishment that was! I had fun with it Meh....I'd rather spend my time doing things I enjoy.

  • RockRock Posts: 567
    I've finally gotten around to some bribing, and all-in-all I think it is a useful addition to the game.  Bribes ranged from 0 gold (usually a simple quantity increase) to 3600 gold (changing 15 shadow iron helmets to copper - for that price I was expecting an upgrade to LBOD, but maybe Luna is an expensive place to do bribing).  Besides the 3600, the highest bribe asked was 400 gold.  100 to 400 seemed to be the normal range for bringing a BOD to exceptional, although I think a couple times it upgraded the material instead.  I really wanted one BOD to go exceptional, but after two material increases, I figured it might not happen.

    My first bribes were kind of funny.  My carpenter/bowyer/lumberjack was in Skara Brae for Bowcraft BODs.  His first 3 BODs were for kindling and two shafts.  I raised all 3 of them to quantity 20, which I don't think cost any gold.  Then he went outside, armed his skinning knife and filled the kindling BOD.  Then he armed an axe and got some lumber to make shafts.  He filled and turned in all 3 BODs, and the next set included two more shaft BODs.  Upgraded them to 20 and went out and logged some more, and made the shafts. He turned in those and got two exceptional bow (of some sort) BODs.  I banked 5 full points from those BODs.  It doesn't sound like much, but I'm sure when a large BOD falls just short of the reward I needed, the banked points will be much appreciated.  Anyway, it was a very quick and positive experience, so as my other guys got their BODs, they bribed some also.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,627
    The bribe prices are the same everywhere.  But you reach a point where they are much more expensive than 3600.  Bribe your highest level smith and tailor bods.  Taking a small 10 iron plate to 20 exc valorite is not cheap.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Pawain said:
    The bribe prices are the same everywhere.  But you reach a point where they are much more expensive than 3600.  Bribe your highest level smith and tailor bods.  Taking a small 10 iron plate to 20 exc valorite is not cheap.
    Bribe prices are not the same everywhere.  Even in the same shop prices can be different depending on how many time they have been used.  Prices are also different between towns again depending on usage and they are defiantly different between Tram and Fel
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,627
    edited June 2018
    Are you sure.  They always start low or 0 on a fresh one.  Then go up as you do it.

    How can you test this?

    Also I have done diff ones on same guy.  The fresher one is low or zero after an expensive one.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    yes they all start at zero but it also depends on what you are bribing and how much that NPC was used.  If you have 3 NPCs in the same shop and use one the other two do not go up they are all separate.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,627
    Sounds good.  Dont use my method.

    I grab a large leather or metal and the smalls then go out and use an NPC until they quit bribing it up.  Then go to the next one and bribe the same one up until he stops.

    I should split the BODs between NPCs to save gold. Corect?

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited June 2018
    I have rune books (Tram/Fel) to all the shops and I rotate between them all.  I also set a limit on the amount I will spend on bribing depending on the BOD.  I have seen where people have used a NPC so much that just to bribe a 20X iron to a 20X dull for PoF is 60K, recall to another shop and it is 5K
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,292
    Bilbo said:
    I have rune books (Tram/Fel) to all the shops and I rotate between them all.  I also set a limit on the amount I will spend on bribing depending on the BOD.  I have seen where people have used a NPC so much that just to bribe a 20X iron to a 20X dull for PoF is 60K, recall to another shop and it is 5K
    Yep I always shop around when bribing. But then I am a cheap $&@“/%#
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Yep I always shop around when bribing. But then I am a cheap $&@ “/%#
    I call that smart.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Larisa said:
    and then one for just footwear...I don't know HOW many larges I have that the only small I need is the footwear and I never get it :/

    if you have any chars that isn't maxed out on skill, have them get just .1 skill in tailoring & get BODs from New Haven, I always use the same tailor in the first room. You will get lot of boots, sandals, shoes, & thigh boots that way (depending on how many chars you can do this with)
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    edited July 2018
    Well that was a surprise.  I was keeping my BOD books in a container, and the container got full.  I thought there were only about 25 items in the container.  It turns out that BOD books gain in item count as they are filled up.  Each 5 BODs add one to the item count for the book.  So if you have 20 of them (as I did) in a container, the container will get full.  Look like I will need to lock them down on the floor.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
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