EM Roenick's Prized Pig Puddles has gone missing. HELP !!!!

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
edited June 2018 in Atlantic

Help!!!  My prized pig Puddles has gone missing.  He must have gotten out of his pen last night.  Will you help me find him before the Summer Picnic/BBQ this Thursday.  He is roaming the lands and needs to be brought home (tram, malas, ilshenar, tokuno and ter mur) .  If you find him email me the coordinates of his location and you will be given a small gift of my appreciation.  Email me at uoemroenick@gmail.com with the facet in which you found him and the coordinates and your character’s name.  Remember first one to find him wins!!!


  • EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
    Okay everyone.  We have a WINNER!! - Ruby Knight found my Puddles and got him home to safety.   Thank you to everyone who spent the day looking for Puddles
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