Legacy sash

GarretGarret Posts: 220
edited March 9 in New Legacy
Let's make an option in the game so that you can transfer characteristics from a sash to a legacy sash, when transferring characteristics, the sash from which we transferred the characteristics is destroyed. It's strange to me that you essentially gave us an achievement menu, but we don't use it as a mechanic since there are obviously slot with stats.
@Kyronix @Parallax

P.S. or mby remove rare sashs from drop and replace it with contracts that put stats on legacy sash.
P.P.S. or make each medal on it give slight stats like 1 mana per medal.
P.P.P.S atleast something so we will have reason to use it,
  1. Do you want to have a Legacy Sash with stats on it?2 votes
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  • ThaeydeThaeyde Posts: 10
    edited March 9
    Could also just have achievements upgrade the sash. As you achieve more in your legacy your legacy sash becomes more powerful. Earlier on a drop may be better, but as you gain fame and notoriety among the villagers it becomes better. 

    With the trade in system it becomes easier to track your own achievements (IE if there are tiers to the sash and at X achievements for each level so you know once you hit a specific tier you have done all achievements or close to all).

    Good thought though. Could make it "Owned by" as well if they are too worried about other people getting or passing on between characters or accounts.
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