PvP and VvV
in New Legacy
Hello! Dear developers, I ask you to express your official position on the state of PvP/VvV in NL, not in terms of whether content awaits us or not, but in general, whether PvP is part of the content and game mechanics and whether it will be further developed as such.
People come to the VvV spawn zone, confirm their consent to participate in PvP content, but immediately get angry and upset if someone kills them.
I wasn't rude to anyone, I even returned the loot, but people immediately start getting angry and saying that I should be cancelled.
Let's decide once and for all, NL is softcore for old-timers and newbies with absolute 0 risk or do you think that without PvP this server won't be complete?
P.S. Kyronix please, can i have honest answer.
@Kyronix @Parallax @Bleak @Community Manager
People come to the VvV spawn zone, confirm their consent to participate in PvP content, but immediately get angry and upset if someone kills them.
I wasn't rude to anyone, I even returned the loot, but people immediately start getting angry and saying that I should be cancelled.
Let's decide once and for all, NL is softcore for old-timers and newbies with absolute 0 risk or do you think that without PvP this server won't be complete?
P.S. Kyronix please, can i have honest answer.
@Kyronix @Parallax @Bleak @Community Manager
So VvV to me means you are either a Victimizer, Victim, or Vigilante'. This puts tamers and most warriors in the victim department due to the skill build necessary to be that class of character.
Pets can be pulled off and left stupid somewhere leaving the tamer fairly defenseless.
Sorry to say not many in NL want to play your game and play the Victim. So, we hunt in groups and will all kill you on sight.
Now, who is the victim? It's VvV working at its best
We are forced to play your game, so we are.
Also, you have been player killing at banks iouside of the VvV area when people are still orange and were clueless they could be killed outside of the VvV areas.
So, now we are prepared and have no mercy on you as you didn't with us. Again, isn't that PvP how you would play it?
And really your questions show how truly lame this conversation is. You are just complaining because you are not winning this time. Just whining.
Do we have a shortage of consensual PVP areas? Yes, I wish we had an arena system or 1v1 duel pits. It doesn't change what attacking a PVM event is though.
Overall is this an issue that the devs created? Yeah, but also NL isn't a "PVP server" and isn't really designed with that in mind. Overall, if you do want competition and PVP you definitely should look at the servers that offer that as a primary option.
New legacy was the only possible way to bring back the world with pvp and pvm not being apart on 2 facets. So all those ppl talking about dont wanting to pvp, you already have it on production shards. New Legacy is supposed to bring new players and returning players a new enviroment, but they made this enviroment capped. You cant be an assassin, you cant be a crafter, you cant be a thief, you only have 2 or 3 paths, since crafter doesnt count for anything besides repairing and leveling the cogiarium system wich is pretty bad.
New legacy was the chance to bring usuless skills a revamp and bring them to relevancy, it could be a developer playground to come up with ideas on how to revamp the skills system and maybe bring it as content to production. But now, they opted for a pokemon game inside UO.
For a round 1 of the server, it's not bad. Could it be better? Yeah, but as a player who hasn't played in 20 years, I am personally enjoying it and having some great nostalgia and look forward with where they are going with it.
I hope they do make it a playground of fun testing stuff that stays isolated, but if a huge success they may implement in to production like Diablo does with their seasonal content.
I still not get the point that spawn is PVM encounter. You have warning about that is not and you have to press accept that you understand the risk.
And every one says me that i should go retail or siege if i want PvP but same i can say for PvMs there is a lot safer and more conter for PvMs in retail shards? Trammel ? 25 years of content? why don't you go there insted ? Mby bcz you like NL mechanics as i like ? Everyone trying to play tolerance card but nobody care about my opinion so you metter and me no ?
You can absolutely play the evil character, and absolutely no one can stop you. I think everyone, including myself, are trying to help point out that by doing that on a PVM centric server in PVM events will generate malice from those just trying to enjoy the game. The fact PVP is turned on in the champ spawns sucks, and it sucks on production they only exist in Fel (When they were created over 20 years ago though they were trying to revive Fel though. If they were designed today you wouldn't see that content in Fel, and honestly it's probably a reason UO in general lost ground in the MMO market). You can also see that they tried to pivot away from the high end value monsters being in PvP zones with AoS after the developers realized their mistake and started to hemorrhage players.
PVM is incredibly popular, and yes no consequence consenting PVP is incredibly popular. Forcing non-consenting PVP is something that wasn't even really successful in UO which is why they pivoted to Trammel so quickly.
People want you to enjoy the game. I want you to enjoy the game. I also want you to find a home that fits your play style which is why I recommended servers that would cater to more of the PvP/harassing PK playstyle for you that you seek.
My last comment on this topic. I don't hate you for being a PK. I just don't ever want to interact or help you in game if you were to continue the behavior. Just like you can choose your interactions in game, so can I. I hope that at least sheds a little light onto the subject for you.
It is not possible to drop karma lower then Evil... at least i didn't find any methodots to become dread lord. Stuck on 9901 minus karma.
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