PvP Improvement for Classic - Consumables Counter

CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
edited February 23 in PvP / VvV
In PvP - I currently use 16 types of consumable - I could use more - the Superior Agility and Strength Potion I discussed for example would make it 18. I could use more - Fish Pies and Urali Tonics for example to make it 20.

Again, managing this all in your head, with no counter, would be quite an achievement.

The request is for a Consumable Counter, if it looked like this, it would be amazing.

Edit - when players say you lose nothing in PvP these days, this is false.
Just 1 Seed of Life is costing players 1m gold, as are Trance tonics.
Maintaining all those consumables is costly in time and effort.
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