Entries From The Journal Of Moreno Dionisio

EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 364Event Moderator

Entries From The Journal Of Moreno Dionisio:

Day One: Captain Hoka Mansel made a deal with us; If we handed over the lantern we had recovered from the shipwreck and eliminated his rivals, Dremin Black and the Frenzied Scimitar Pirates, we could reside in their former encampment. We were able to dispatch them rather easily, I think we caught several of them off guard. It was unfortunate that we had to surrender the lantern… I have a suspicion that Hoka knows more about it than he is leading us to believe… Swear I heard the lantern crackle and whisper as I handed it to him. We only heard those sounds when we brought the lantern close to the cultist’s altar beneath Nujel’m…

I had given my instructions to Musa Naciye, to watch over things for some time… I am off in search of Sultan Rubina’s missing sister, Davana. Should I be able to locate her, there is no question the Sultan would pay handsomely. Especially if he thought his sister was in danger…


Day Six: Sitting below deck on a merchant vessel headed to Britain for a few days now; It has been rather cold and dreary, and the winds are especially harsh today. I forget how hard some of these deckhands have to work just to earn their food for the day.

I am headed to Britain of all places. The last bit of information I was able to gather was that the Sultan’s sister was sold to a noble family that resided in Britain, but this was a long time ago. Nonetheless, it is something to go off of. Just hope the disguises will hold up with this rain…


Day Eight: We landed in Britain late at night, so this was beneficial. I was able to slip off the ship undetected with some of the deckhands who were unloading crates. I gave a beggar a few small gemstones to run into the tavern and bring back some bread and ale for me… This will hold me over while I do some research into Britain’s noble families, and perhaps some land ownerships…


Day Nine: The Britain Public Library is an excellent place to lay low during the daylight hours… ill-lit, rows and rows of books, and quiet. I was able to find some parchments on land holdings, farm owners, stables… Places that would require laborers.

I tend to stick to the shadows during daylight hours, but at night I am rather surprised how easy it is to move around the city with simply a hooded cloak and walking staff. I have even been able to spend a night right next to the castle moat without drawing anyone’s eyes.


Day Eleven: *scribble* …as able to find the names of three that I think are worth looking into:




These three… they own farms, a plantation, two stables and they have been around for a few generations now. If anyone is interested in purchasing laborers in Britain, I would think one of them. It will take me some time to observe, watch and listen from afar. Perhaps I’ll overhear one of the farmhands discussing names…


Day Fourteen: I knew I wasn’t alone in this… One of the Sultan’s men, his justiciar… There is no mistake it was him! It looked like Thayyil, but I cannot be sure with his helmet on from a distance. I didn’t stick around to confirm my suspicions, the armor was enough to go off of…

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