Unable to move mobile health bars in the EC
Unable to move mobile health bars in the EC after the latest client patch.
Before the patch there was an Extract/Move button on a mobile's health bar.
Before the patch there was an Extract/Move button on a mobile's health bar.
After the patch the button is gone.
The regression is in source\mobilehealthbar.lua at line 375
should beThe regression is in source\mobilehealthbar.lua at line 375
if Interface.ShowCloseExtract and MobileHealthBar.Handled[mobileId] then
if Interface.ShowCloseExtract and MobileHealthBar.Handled[mobileId] ~= nil thenthat is because the code within the if statement
WindowSetShowing(windowName .. "CloseButton", MobileHealthBar.Handled[mobileId])needs MobileHealthBar.Handled[mobileId] to be false in order to show the Extract button.
WindowSetShowing(windowName .. "Extract", not MobileHealthBar.Handled[mobileId])