We get a 500 Dyes/Pigments container,thank you,can we then also get an Armoire and a Weapons Rack ?
It is great that we finally got a container to hold 500 Dyes and Pigments to help players with their storage difficulties, thank you so much !!
Yet, there is some other items which players usually have in a higher number as compared to dyes and pigments, and that is Armor and Weapons for which special containers to save up on storage space are also highly needed, to my opinion...
Please, pretty please, can we also finally get to be able to have in Ultima Online an Armoire and a Weapons Rack that will, respectively, hold 500 Armor pieces and 500 Weapons but will count as 1 lockdown and also have filters to more easily then find that weapon or armor piece that the player might be looking for among what they have ?
@Kyronix , pretty please ?
Thank you so much.
no one should have 500 armour pieces and 500 weapons ?
”players” = Popps. Speaking for himself in the 3 rd person as per usual
however. Nice furniture items to have
But if they made an armor container searchable, then that would be useful.
You people? What do you mean "you people"?
But yeah, people horde stuff in this game like crazy.
94 plant
18 hair
17 of the Tokuno turn ins
Not hoarding I use them on floors and my items.
imbuing? Cmon Jack do you even play the game? Imbuing gives you 5 properties. Monster loot drops with 10-12. No one wears crafted armor besides luck suits. No one.
you missed the point. You unravel all that crap there is no need to store any of it. If a vet player like Popps is not fully kitted out by now there is no hope for him
the only legendary kit with keeping has pretty much been superseded now by artifact drops
Jack only trolls popps on the forums. he adds nothing to a conversation so just ignore Jack he is clueless.
As suggested, a weapon/armor rack would have been infinitely more useful as people have dozens of types of weapons with dozens slayer/damage combos or suits for pvp/pvm/luck/etc.
Off the top of my head another one that would be incredibly more useful is a resource cabinet. If anyone is familiar with Path of Exile, have it setup exactly like their 'currency stash tab'. To those that don't know, instead of storing random stacks in a container like it is in the CC, it has nicely laid out pre-allocated slots in a grid for each resource. It allows you to put a higher number in one 'stack' than you could in your inventory or another container, ie, >60k, and only use that one 'slot'. INCREDIBLY helpful, have a row for all ingot types, ore types, board types, granite, gems, imbue reagents, magic reagents, etc. etc. in one organized container. Would be SUPER NICE.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
look at what happened in the past when people who have no idea get listened to
Idocs, T map etc
One day the Devs might listen to him and that would be devastating
He claims to be the voice of the players and he is not
speaking in the 3rd person as if he is of some status is pathetic and dangerous for reasons stated above
He speaks for himself and by the questions he asks as a vet player HE is clueless
And it would appear you are too Betty
Who are you exactly? on the subject of offering nothing to a conversation?
oh wait, at least thats how is see it, or to my opinion. that about right?
They are a pain to make and if I'm going to load on my alchemy I'm going to use up all of my supplies.
That way they are on hand when I want to use one and have some choices available.