Cannot turn in complete bulk order deed

JoojehJoojeh Posts: 12
edited January 17 in New Legacy Bugs
I can no longer turn in completed bulk order deeds. The NPC says, "You must claim your last turn-in reward in order for us to continue doing business." The gump to claim a reward is unavailable.

I have tried clicking the vendor and choosing "Claim reward" - it does not bring up the reward gump. I have tried going to different NPCs. I have tried logging out and back in.

I seem permanently stuck in this state with no ability to claim the reward. I cannot advance the carpenter quest line without being able to turn in bulk order deeds.



  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,396Moderator
    have you tried different crafts? When I got this message I found I'd not claimed a reward from the tailor npc, which wouldn't let me hand in a bod to the carpenter.
  • JoojehJoojeh Posts: 12
    Good thought but just tried it and didn't work for me.

    I tried going to a blacksmith and tailor and clicking claim reward. I also tried completing a new tailor and blacksmith bod to see if turning in a new one would force the gump to pop up.
  • JoojehJoojeh Posts: 12
    Ugh, ok just as I posted that I just recalled that I had begun the alchemist quest awhile back. Went to an alchemist and it did work! Thanks for your help.

    Just some thoughts for the developer on how this bug might be addressed in order of what I think would be preferable:

    1. Can you work out a way where the bod is not removed from a player's inventory until the reward is claimed or points are banked?
    2. If you try turning in a bod and you need to claim an outstanding reward from another type of vendor, then inform the user which type of vendor.
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