Missing buff/debuff icons

MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
edited June 2018 in Bugs
Both clients (if you're using the default EC UI), the following buffs/debuff icons are missing:

Balm of Protection
Balm of Strength
Balm of Swiftness
Balm of Wisdom
Life Shield Lotion
Stone Skin Lotion

Lucky 10th Anniversary Statue luck buff

Sphynx buffs/debuffs:
  • Your endurance shall protect you from your enemies blows. (+1 to +15 Physical Resistance)
  • Your wounds in battle shall run deep. (-1 to -15 Physical Resistance)
  • A smile will be upon your lips, as you gaze into the infernos. (+1 to +15 Fire Resistance)
  • The fires of the abyss shall tear asunder your flesh. (-1 to -15 Fire Resistance)
  • The ice of ages will embrace you, and you will embrace it alike. (+1 to +15 Cold Resistance)
  • Winter's Touch shall be your undoing (-1 to -15 Cold Resistance)
  • Your blood runs pure and strong. (+1 to +15 Poison Resistance)
  • Your veins will freeze with poison’s chill. (-1 to -15 Poison Resistance)
  • Your flesh shall endure the power of storms. (+1 to +15 Energy Resistance)
  • The wise will seek to avoid the anger of storms. (-1 to -15 Energy Resistance)
  • Fate smiles upon you this day. (+1 to +80 Luck)
  • Only fools take risks in fate’s shadow. (-1 to -80 Luck)
  • The flow of the ether is strong within you. (+1 or more to Mana Regeneration)
  • Your connection with the ether is weak, take heed. (-1 or more to Mana Regeneration)
  • The power of alchemy shall thrive within you. (+5% to 25% Enhance Potions)
  • The strength of alchemy will fail you. (-5% to 25% Enhance Potions)

Fountain of fortune buffs:
  • Temporary boost to Strength for 10 points. You suddenly feel stronger!
  • Temporary boost to Dexterity for 10 points. You suddenly feel more agile!
  • Temporary boost to Intelligence for 10 points. You suddenly feel wiser!
  • Temporary boost to Luck for 400 points. Your luck just improved!
  • Rotworm, Bloodworm, Tangling Roots resign from their special fight abilities. You suddenly feel less vulnerable!

Ankh pendant shrine buffs:


Ahm +2 Mana Regeneration
Compassion Mu +2 Hit Point Regeneration
Valor Ra +2 Stamina Regeneration
Justice Beh +1 Mana Regeneration, +1 Hit Point Regeneration (50% chance to get one bumped up to +2)
Sacrifice Cah +1 Hit Point Regeneration, +1 Stamina Regeneration (50% chance to get one bumped up to +2)
Honor Summ +1 Mana Regeneration, +1 Stamina Regeneration (50% chance to get one bumped up to +2)
Spirituality Om +1 All Regenerations (25% chance (3 independent rolls) to get each bumped up to +2)
Humility Lum +3 Random Regeneration

Suggestion (but not a bug): all of the above buffs/debuffs are not able to be purged and last after death, perhaps make all buffs that cannot be purged and/or last after death blue EG (but not limited to) polymorph (is already blue), mastery passives, animal form, town bonus, healing/veterinary, fish pie buffs (cannot be purged)  
(Possibly display a blue buff to show the racial inherent abilities)

Also perfection buff missing description displaying relationship to luck.

I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

Breaking in the young since 2002


  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited June 2018
    Also, Both clients Incorrect description of damage modifier on spell focusing Sash: Upon activation the damage modifier correct reads: Damage Modifier: -30% However when you target a player/monster, the damage modifier switches to reading format 70% up to 130%,

    Expected result: for the damage modifer to read range from -30% to +30%

    (Would also be helpful if the damage modifier % was visible without having to mouse over the buff however this would be a feature request not a bug)
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited March 2019
    very minor buff discrepancy

    Both clients

    Animal Form:
    When you're in unicorn form as well as the animal form buff, you get an additional buff displayed to describe that you're resistant to poison, all other forms don't display an additional buff even though they do give additional advantages.

    (The advantages are described on the animal form menu)

    Suggest to not bother showing the additional buff in unicorn form and to describe the current animal form bonus on the animal form buff for each animal form. (since the animal form buff already describes what form you're in)
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322

    "Both clients, debuff for discordance from PvP exists but is missing for PvM (being discorded by monsters has a more severe effect)

    Also missing is debuff for "Calm" -+-

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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "in this example the caster has less than 100 necromancy and less than 100 spirit speak, so the corpse skin is not reducing the receiver's fire & poison resist by 15, (reduction is determined by caster's neco/spirit speak skill) yet the debuff description incorrectly reads the same regardless of caster's skill.

    Expected result, for debuff description to read the actual amount of fire/poison reduced" -+-

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  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    Yoshi corpse skin reduces by 15/15 regardless of how much necro spirit someone has.  The 200 skill point makes it lower the targets resist CAP by 15/15.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Mervyn said thanks
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "(Corpse skin debuff description remains the same when corpsed with 100/100 skill, no mention of reduction in caps on the debuff description)"-+-
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  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    The description I have is:
    Transforms the flesh of the target creature or player to resemble rotted corpse flesh, making them more vulnerable to Fire and Poison damage, but increasing their resistance to Physical and Cold damage. Fire and Poison resist each reduced by 15, physical and cold resist each increased by 10.
    Duration is ((Casters Spirit Speak – targets Magic Resist) / 25 + 40 (skill values are without decimals, meaning GM, or 100.0, is 1000)).

    That description clearly says that it is the duration that is determined by skill levels.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2022
    “Missing debuff vicious bite
    Missing debuff nerve strike
    Missing debuff, stun from bombard

    Missing Buff honor - self 
    gives a significant previously undocumented damage modifier bonus (maybe 20-30% both PvM & PvP)
    (would also be useful to see the timer on the buff so it doesn’t suddenly run out when you’re in the middle of 10 greater dragons)

    (Also criminal debuff missing duration timer)”
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "should at the very least give people the option to compete using official client/s. And display debuff for nerve strike, so you can at least have the option to manually use a trapped box without using a script"
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2022

    "here i stop moving because i think i am stam blocked by all the oranges around, i go to use a refresh potion 3 times but cannot because apparently nerve striked.

    @Rorschach blocks report because he thinks we should be able to read all this text? instead of look at the buff bar?? .

    When even on other client you don't have to even look at buff bar it will trapped box auto for you anyway even if you don't even know you are nerve striked.

    Please allow us to at least have a chance to play without scripts and display debuff for nerve strike. Or please Rorschach teach us how to be as amazing a player as you and read both buff bar and read all system messages in real time...

    I am disabled with vision and rely on buff bar but maybe he can read all this text in 0.25 seconds,"

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  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I'm telling you just open your spellbook stap when books don't go back you can report it 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2022

    "Can't even see what weapon someone is holding with max circle of trans and @Rorschach tries to hide this bug report because?
    how it will affect you to show a debuff for nerve strike?
    it will ruin your game?

    i wish we all had your skills at reading these system messages so fast aswell as debuff bar
    or you think that because i am registered as blind that i am not suitable to post such things about problems with seeing things?
    I am sure people who are able bodied cannot see such system messages buried and require debuff, it's why people download another client to play. You repremand people for mentioning other clients, yet you actively encourage the use of them by blocking genuine bug reports for official client that make it necessary to DL third party software.
    It's not up to forum moderator to decide what is a bug or not, and not up to forum moderator to decide what information the engineers get to see.

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Yoshi said:

    "Can't even see what weapon someone is holding with max circle of trans and @ Rorschach tries to hide this bug report because?
    how it will affect you to show a debuff for nerve strike?
    it will ruin your game?

    i wish we all had your skills at reading these system messages so fast aswell as debuff bar
    or you think that because i am registered as blind that i am not suitable to post such things about problems with seeing things?
    I am sure people who are able bodied cannot see such system messages buried and require debuff, it's why people download another client to play. You repremand people for mentioning other clients, yet you actively encourage the use of them by blocking genuine bug reports for official client that make it necessary to DL third party software.
    It's not up to forum moderator to decide what is a bug or not, and not up to forum moderator to decide what information the engineers get to see.

    Maybe @Rorschach has spellbook staps issues and can't see his buff bar? Inky ??
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “I literally can’t even think of a creature in trammel that deals nerve strike so why you would want to block a report to show debuff, it literally would not affect trammel player”
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  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Yoshi said:
    “I literally can’t even think of a creature in trammel that deals nerve strike so why you would want to block a report to show debuff, it literally would not affect trammel player”
    There are many work arounds
    When you see the bad bok mage run 
    Learn the signs so you can figure it out yourself 
    Report the cheaters 
    Now for more important things when will the developers admit spellbook staps are broken and either fix or offer refunds of my wasted vet rewards 
    Acknowledgement and accountability..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022
    "missing debuff:
    Concussion blow: needs to display how much mana is going to be returned.

    (still missing debuff nerve strike, bombard stun, and vicious bite)
    Nerve strike debuff is now critical, as there is so much + skill items now that people are able to fit 100 alchemy on more templates which makes nerve striken people vulnerable to additional damage from explotion potions. Issue affects only broadsword's classic client and default UI Enhanced client (Pinco introducing update soon to Pinco's UI to fix this now critcial bug)
    (poeple using cheats have automatic trapped box on nerve strike so does not affect them)

    expected result:
    for Buffs and Debuffs to appear here

    Please note, Pinco or any ui maker is currently unable to make a debuff for bombard stun show as the system message is not unique to bombard stun, needs to be fixed by broadsword"
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022

    "Why a volunteer takes 11days to make fix on free UI, and paid client still no fix"

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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "Broadsword classic client"

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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited December 2022
    “You show debuff for things like hit lower defense/attack when no action is required for them, I don’t think you can remove.
    Yet nerve strike which requires action you show no debuff, and it’s most commonly used weapon.

    Bombard stun, you can’t get out of it so the debuff would be info only but would still be nice feature to show so people don’t think they client crashed/froze from lag…

    Vicious bite is most commonly used special attack for pets also in PvP. How you not show a debuff for something that deals 275 damage?? It’s literally the most powerful debuff in the entire game, bosses included.

    @Mesanna how are you letting this slip through the net? Should be quality control in game. People should have option to compete with broadsword client on broadsword servers without missing debuff bug penalties. No need to punish those following the rules.

    ps: add concussion blow too please to show how much mana was lost/going to be returned”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Yoshi said:
    “You show debuff for things like hit lower defense/attack when no action is required for them, I don’t think you can remove.
    Yet nerve strike which requires action you show no debuff, and it’s most commonly used weapon.

    Bombard stun, you can’t get out of it so the debuff would be info only but would still be nice feature to show so people don’t think they client crashed/froze from lag…

    Vicious bite is most commonly used special attack for pets also in PvP. How you not show a debuff for something that deals 275 damage?? It’s literally the most powerful debuff in the entire game, bosses included.

    @ Mesanna how are you letting this slip through the net? Should be quality control in game. People should have option to compete with broadsword client on broadsword servers without missing debuff bug penalties. No need to punish those following the rules.

    ps: add concussion blow too please to show how much mana was lost/going to be returned”
    If you are going to continue to violate the TOS with the mods approval can you please bring up spellbook straps..
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    "I think its 2004 since Samurai Empire was released,
    not sure when nerve strike first was used though. They added a macro in options

    but still no debuff to know when to use it if someone wanted to play broadsword classic client. Mesanna said they will fix soon but its not listed in pub 115 notes.
    Also, last meet and greet Mesanna said there is no amnesty for using 3rd party client so closing bug report threads for active broadsword client bugs and preventing issues getting fixed is indirectly pointing customers to download third party client to fix - not ideal solution to bug report in my opinion.

    it’s probably also less admin work to just create debuff for nerve strike than it is to ban people for reporting - issue threatening messages to customers for raising issue and re-raising, issue warnings etc etc for years and years.

    artist made stuffy valentines things, I’m sure they are more than capable of making red 2d square image, even just put blank red square is better than nothing”

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  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    For the love of God, just download the 3rd party client already. 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Yoshi said:
    "I think its 2004 since Samurai Empire was released,
    not sure when nerve strike first was used though. They added a macro in options

    but still no debuff to know when to use it if someone wanted to play broadsword classic client. Mesanna said they will fix soon but its not listed in pub 115 notes.
    Also, last meet and greet Mesanna said there is no amnesty for using 3rd party client so closing bug report threads for active broadsword client bugs and preventing issues getting fixed is indirectly pointing customers to download third party client to fix - not ideal solution to bug report in my opinion.

    it’s probably also less admin work to just create debuff for nerve strike than it is to ban people for reporting - issue threatening messages to customers for raising issue and re-raising, issue warnings etc etc for years and years.

    artist made stuffy valentines things, I’m sure they are more than capable of making red 2d square image, even just put blank red square is better than nothing”

    If you can't tell you've been nerve striked without an icon i might suggest pvp is not for you
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited January 2023
    "you want to 1v1 me?

    you could say that about any debuff,

    I guess people just need to read all these system messages faster, even though i personally am registered blind

    and i guess everyone else is totally managing fine and def they are not having to use third party software to autobox on nerve strike or anything like that, no way...
    like if i went on youtube and searched UO, Atlantic, PvP, (filter this month)
    there's absolutely no way that the very top result would be someone openly having to run
    AutoTrapBox watch journal on OSI official shard to fix this very issue.

    (and gee is that a massive seperate Attunement timer also? hmm, i wonder if anyone has raised a bug report to fix a certain issue with Attunement that is causing people to make their own software for the game because the bug is so bad it makes the game unplayable....)


    I guess i must just really suck at games so bad, and need to learn to read faster"

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  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    OK. I will close this thread. There is little or no useful information being generated here. This thread will still be visible to the entire UO forum population, including the dev team. 
This discussion has been closed.