Request for clarification regarding September transfers

Would it be possible to get a clearer picture of what will happen at the end of the year, or at least have all the answers in one place? 

Here are the specific points that I am wondering about. I make no apologies for specifically having Siege Perilous in mind - I have lost count of the times that Siege has been short-changed when it comes to new developments, items, global events, and other matters. The most recent example that comes to mind is, where are our items from the 25th anniversary celebration? 

Anyway - here are my main questions:

1. Is this process going to use the existing character transfer mechanism, or will it be custom-built for NL transfers? 

2. As Siege Perilous is NOT included in the existing mechanism, will NL players be able to transfer to Siege? 

3. Will we need to have open character slots on the destination shard?
If so, what do you intend Siege players to do?
We have one character slot. Do you have something else in mind to keep us from having to delete characters that we've had since the 1990's? 
It seems likely that we would either need to wipe our account - which has housing and character-bound item implications - OR pay for a new account specifically for transferring away from New Legacy - unless EJ accounts will work? 

4. Once we initiate the transfer process, will the NL character remain there for a while (without transferred goods) or be deleted? Obviously, linked to point 3's concerns, and wanting a safety net. 

I'm sure other people have their own questions - but it would be good to have an official, detailed answer as to how all of this will work - all we have right now is guesswork. 

Thank you.


  • looploop Posts: 480
    Hi Blind_Otto,

    I was interested in these answers and ended up finding some here:

    Transfers exclude Siege. You need to have a free slot on the destination shard.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    IMO we should only be able to transfer the legacy sash off NL.  

    For toons, just the naked toon with no pets.  But that's me.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GyngersnapGyngersnap Posts: 20
    My question is about crafting characters. Currently, they have combined skills such as Tinkering and Smithing. Will the character work like on production and have to add Tinkering if they want that? Also, I don't see a problem with letting tamers transfer with pets that are already on production shards.
  • Blind_OttoBlind_Otto Posts: 19
    loop said:
    Hi Blind_Otto,

    I was interested in these answers and ended up finding some here:

    Transfers exclude Siege. You need to have a free slot on the destination shard.

    Thank you Loop. I must have somehow missed that. I am deeply disappointed. Once again, Siege is proven to be the red-haired stepchild of UO. Siege's population has been dwindling slowly but steadily for years - this is yet another nail in the coffin. 

    I like the pets and concepts that I have on NL - enough that I might have started a new account, in order to get them to Siege. This has saved me money, money which would have gone to Broadsword. I have not played on Europa (or any other shard) since Siege started, but, rather than lose what I could transfer, I'll probably take my stuff to Europa. And then I might even start playing there again, eventually.

    I'd love to know the reasoning behind this. Is it simply a lack of developer resource, to adapt the transfer code for Siege? Either way, deeply disappointed.
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,295
    loop said:
    Hi Blind_Otto,

    I was interested in these answers and ended up finding some here:

    Transfers exclude Siege. You need to have a free slot on the destination shard.

    Thank you Loop. I must have somehow missed that. I am deeply disappointed. Once again, Siege is proven to be the red-haired stepchild of UO. Siege's population has been dwindling slowly but steadily for years - this is yet another nail in the coffin. 

    I like the pets and concepts that I have on NL - enough that I might have started a new account, in order to get them to Siege. This has saved me money, money which would have gone to Broadsword. I have not played on Europa (or any other shard) since Siege started, but, rather than lose what I could transfer, I'll probably take my stuff to Europa. And then I might even start playing there again, eventually.

    I'd love to know the reasoning behind this. Is it simply a lack of developer resource, to adapt the transfer code for Siege? Either way, deeply disappointed.
    I'm pretty much playing NL and nothing else. I get on Siege and do stuff, but not of any subsatnce. I probably would have quit by now if they hadn't launched NL. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

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