BOD "Combine this deed with contained items" causes loss of items

JoojehJoojeh Posts: 12
edited December 2024 in New Legacy Bugs
Pre condition: you have a small crate that contains some items in your backpack.

Then, as a carpenter complete a bulk order deed for small crates.

As the small crates are crafted they appear in your backpack.

Double click on the bulk order deed and choose "Combine this deed with contained items". Target your backpack on your paper doll.

The pre existing small crate disappears along with the other small crates you just crafted.

All of the items that were in the pre existing small crate are gone.


  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    This is a nice feature that I've used after crafting wrong items.

    The tip to avoid this is to have  a crafting destination bag.

    It's an option to set from clicking your crafting tool and then only fill bods from tageting that bag/ container and not main backpack.

    Since filling bods from main backpack can make you loose spellboks/ runebooks/ weapons/ containers and other items you really don't want to fill bods with.
  • JoojehJoojeh Posts: 12
    Thanks for the tip to work around this issue! I was not aware of the ability to set the destination using my crafting tool.

    I still consider this a bug though and not a feature. I think it is far to easy to make this mistake and lose items. A reasonable safeguard may be to not allow the "Combine this deed with contained items" action on your backpack. I think this would help facilitate users discovering the feature to set a crafting destination.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited December 2024
    Yes, this is how the game works.  If you have a spell book BOD and all your spell books are in the same container, it will take your full spell book if it's in the same bag.

    How would the game know which items you want to take?  It just uses the name.  Same for your weapons since Smiths have swords and shields.

    Click the tool and set a destination container.

    In reg UO I put the resources in an empty bag, the items will be put in the bag the resources are in.

    EX  put ingots or wood in a separate container and fill the BOD from that container.

    Same thing can happen with trade runs in UO if you fill that box from a container.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • @Pawain except you can't but the raw materials anywhere because they are taken from the resource pack.  I did a runebook bod and when I opened the bod it automatically put all my full runebooks into the bod.  talk about being pissed off.  I now remove anything that the bod could target completely out of my pack.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited December 2024
    ZekeTerra said:
    @ Pawain except you can't but the raw materials anywhere because they are taken from the resource pack.  I did a runebook bod and when I opened the bod it automatically put all my full runebooks into the bod.  talk about being pissed off.  I now remove anything that the bod could target completely out of my pack.
    Yup. I said in regular UO.  But in NL click the tool and choose a separate container that you will load from.

    Who knows how many full spell books and rune books been lost. In both servers.

    I lost my golden katana in regular UO because I had recalled and forgot to re equip.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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