The Biggest Issue UO Faces

Luc_of_LegendsLuc_of_Legends Posts: 319
edited June 2018 in General Discussions
 What is it?  I will tell you what it is not.  It not CC vs EC. It not RMT. Its not UO’s ancient buggy code. It’s not PvP vs PvM or Trammel vs Felucca.  It’s not the account Managment system or EA account system.  Its not even the lack of customer service or servers crashing.   The biggest problem UO has it the toxic environment  created by its players.   For example right here on this forum there are players who attack evey single poster. These players act as if its their self-appointed duty and God given right to personally attack everyone.  I guess we should be grateful they are equal opportunity trolls.  Then there are the players that are your friend to your face, but the minute your back is turned they’re  shoving a dagger in it. 
Then we have those players ready to crucify you in a minute and it doesn’t matter how long they have known you.  Case in point recent events that have led to us leaving UO.  One long time friend left UO.  He and my sister talked at least every other day on Facebook.  While she knew he had a huge billing issue that prevented him from playing.  She did not know he had gotten it settled and decided to call it quits.  She can’t blame him for his decision, nor can I.  He also didn’t tell her or anyone else he’d given away several of his accounts.  So you can imagine our shock at this random person rummaging our friends accounts.  Now in 16 years of playing UO we have seen many accounts hacked and looted.  So even though this person said our friend gave him the accounts.  Sis contacted our friend to confirm the guy’s story.  Becuase of this the guy in question has gone out of his way to tell everyone that we called him a theif. We didn’t, we just checked his story.  I guess he’d throw the same fit if the police checked out a story he gave them.  As a result of his little fit, he not only quit but made a huge production of it with a post on the other UO forum.  I knew nothing about the post until a person pmed me on the other forum. I have Tapatalk so it sends an email when I get a pm.  The person said he was telling me because he felt I had a right to know.  Well this fiasco has cost us several old friends.  Friends who had known us since our Newbie days and still were more than willing to believe the absolute worse in us.  This sort of nastiness is nothing new.  My sister has been accused of having multiple personality disorder,  that I was a figment of her imagination, and that she is on drugs.  We share this account and I know both of us have spewed some venom of our own. Its pent up frustration. Jirel started playing UO first and yet she can’t have her own forum account.  Maybe Jirel derves SOME of it but not all of it. 


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    *waves*  IBTL
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    *waves*  IBTL
    Huh? Nice troll attempt
  • Luc_of_LegendsLuc_of_Legends Posts: 319
    edited June 2018
    Deleted double post 
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    I think at some point, most of us realize UO is just a game and that it isn't something that we should sink so much of ourselves into.  I suspect many of us learned the hard way that for our own sanity, we needed to disentangle ourselves from the people who seem to use UO as a way to take out all of their frustrations in life and/or use it as a place to just plain "stir the pot" and see what kind of trouble they can create.

    It's nice if you can be Facebook friends with other players.  But you also have to realize that your status as a game "friend" usually is going to fall much lower than someone else's family and other friends they have.  Keep the Facebook or ICQ friendship super-casual and un-demanding and hopefully you'll be lucky to have it endure for a long time.  Expecting too much of such a friendship is probably going to mean the end of it because the other person will find it too burdensome or perhaps even too "creepy" to stick with it.

    Good luck to you and your sister and I sincerely hope you'll find a way to get lots of enjoyment and no drama out of your summertime playing of UO.  Keep it casual and remember there are lots of other things out there to do besides getting stressed out over a game.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Thought #1.  He had posted he was quitting, that was not news to anyone else but y'all.

    Thought #2.  He was not some random person, like you said.  He was a well known, well liked member of the community.  Just because some people only log in rarely and can't keep up, that's not his fault.  He carried expensive goods cross shard for me when I was short on shields.  Never had any reason whatsoever do not trust him.

    3.  General chat is a public channel.  We all saw the conversations.  While you may not have used the word "thief"  the implication was plain and loud.  Like I said, your apology to him should be just as plain, and just as loud, and just as public.

    4.  I hyave now been on Legends for 10 years or so.  Y'all have "sold out and quit" at least twice a year.  Not buying it this time either.  Just more of the same ole pissin and moanin we have had to hear for years.

    5.  I suspect he would pitch a fit if the police checked on some bullshit thievery story someone who knew nothing of the situation concocted...

    Totally Ludicrous.
  • Thought #1.  He had posted he was quitting, that was not news to anyone else but y'all.

    Thought #2.  He was not some random person, like you said.  He was a well known, well liked member of the community.  Just because some people only log in rarely and can't keep up, that's not his fault.  He carried expensive goods cross shard for me when I was short on shields.  Never had any reason whatsoever do not trust him.

    3.  General chat is a public channel.  We all saw the conversations.  While you may not have used the word "thief"  the implication was plain and loud.  Like I said, your apology to him should be just as plain, and just as loud, and just as public.

    4.  I hyave now been on Legends for 10 years or so.  Y'all have "sold out and quit" at least twice a year.  Not buying it this time either.  Just more of the same ole pissin and moanin we have had to hear for years.

    5.  I suspect he would pitch a fit if the police checked on some bullshit thievery story someone who knew nothing of the situation concocted...

    Totally Ludicrous.
    Well excuuuuuuuse me that our education is more important than a stupid online game.  So you’re going to hop on the “because you don’t log into UO every single day you don’t deserve ———.    Fill in the blank with whatever you like because I’ve heard them all.   We all pay the same sub fees so what difference does it when or how often someone plays.   I finished my degree, am job hunting and preparing for my certification tests.  Jirel has a little bit more to go to graduation, then the CPA prep, and then sit the CPA examination.  I am so sorry I have a life an you do not. Uriah, we have always been your friends and had your back.  Your turning on us hurts both of us more than you will ever know. If anyone is owed an apology it’s Jirel because you’ve brought her to tears with your treatment of her.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    OMG, talk about drama.  IBTL
  • Luc_of_LegendsLuc_of_Legends Posts: 319
    edited June 2018
    Bilbo said:
    OMG, talk about drama.  IBTL
    Exactly! the Player environment is toxic because everything is drama.   According to players of other MMOs like WoW, LOTR and DnDO UO players are the ABSOLUTE WORST for causing constant drama. According a WoW player you can always tell a former UO player because they are all drama, all the time.  That's a pretty bad reputation to live down.  Hey, I didn't create this drama.  This is a bunch of fertilizer, IMHO. However BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER, if you think I am going to stand by while people lie about and disparage my sister. You are all sadly mistaken, because regardless she's still MY SISTER!
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    Here we go again....pretty sure this is not the place for this...
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    please do not use these forums to air personal grievances. 
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