Siege Perilous - Events for December 2024
Thank you everyone, for your get well soon messages. I'm recovering, but not 100% there yet.
So, this month, a slight change of pace.
There will be a council meeting on the first Saturday of the month - all are welcome.
On the 14th we hopefully get to take our revenge on Krampus the Grinch for making a mess of the Halloween event and stealing all the drops. Hopefully. He certainly deserves Siege justice!
As I don't have a clear picture of when my health is going to allow me to do more, I'm going to just show up at random and do stuff. So, you might find me "helping" with something that's already ongoing. You might find an announcement of "Anyone who wants to do Random Peerless / Champ, report to the EM hall" - or something completely different. Tis the season to be jolly.
Those who dropped off entries for the Huntmaster challenge, I haven't forgotten you - I'll drop your prizes off sometime this month, keep an eye on your mailboxes!