Broken Drop/Loot system

I have killed both Crimson dragon and IceMancer over 100 times with no taming books or lure drops. How long do the devs expect us to keep playing when we cant get a drop that are worthwhile? How many Earthquake scrolls do we really need?. Maybe incorporate a system to trade scrolls for actual viable loot, otherwise, whats the point? I know im not the only person fed up with the system as i see complaints at every boss rotation with nobody getting anything worth having. I dont know who to tag to get an actual response from a developer. 


  • I suspect the Bestiary/Lure drop chance is affected by the level of the Congiarium. Would be nice to have a confirmation or denial of this by a dev. @Kyronix
  • I've gotten plenty of drops, mostly lures, armor set pieces, Titles, etc I have yet to get a book though. A book would be nice but i'm thinking the Congiarium theory that @PlayerSkillFTW mentioned could be true because i have gotten way more drops since it hit Lev 2 than before it did. I'll get a book eventually, but if not i'll buy one with the gold I make selling my drops.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • If the Congiarium theroy rings true then i guess we all play crafters and boost the game to a more playable stage. Seems a bit ridiculous to have to do that. If it is something else then it would be very nice to have some detail on how the drop/loot system works. What say you @Kyronix
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 100
    If the Congiarium theroy rings true then i guess we all play crafters and boost the game to a more playable stage. Seems a bit ridiculous to have to do that. If it is something else then it would be very nice to have some detail on how the drop/loot system works. What say you @ Kyronix ? 
    Is there any benefit to the crafter other than boosting the Congiaruim?

  • Only to do your own repairs or add slayers to weapons
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 100
    Only to do your own repairs or add slayers to weapons

    Ok, I haven't done any BODs for the Congiarium yet because I am not sure how it works.  My crafters are poor, I do BODs for the income.  

    My mage farms Mummys for the regs, these are used for inscription.  I sell recalls for income.  Reagents are expensive and I've spent more on purchasing seeds than if I had actually just farmed or purchased regs.

    Taylor does OK.  If she uses cloth BODs.  However gathering leather is time consuming, most she really can kill are the cow and goats.  Takes hours to get any decent amount of leather and it goes fast when tayloring.  So I don't bother with leather BODs.

    I can go check out the congiarium, see what benefit there is.  Not worth the effort thus far because the resources are not easy to get.  Unless I'm missing something not seeing where the benefit is to do BODs here.  

    Any idea, anyone?  as to if I did 20 small Taylor BODs would that affect the congiaruim?  Advice or tips would be appreciated.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Kalsey said:
    Only to do your own repairs or add slayers to weapons

    Ok, I haven't done any BODs for the Congiarium yet because I am not sure how it works.  My crafters are poor, I do BODs for the income.  

    My mage farms Mummys for the regs, these are used for inscription.  I sell recalls for income.  Reagents are expensive and I've spent more on purchasing seeds than if I had actually just farmed or purchased regs.

    Taylor does OK.  If she uses cloth BODs.  However gathering leather is time consuming, most she really can kill are the cow and goats.  Takes hours to get any decent amount of leather and it goes fast when tayloring.  So I don't bother with leather BODs.

    I can go check out the congiarium, see what benefit there is.  Not worth the effort thus far because the resources are not easy to get.  Unless I'm missing something not seeing where the benefit is to do BODs here.  

    Any idea, anyone?  as to if I did 20 small Taylor BODs would that affect the congiaruim?  Advice or tips would be appreciated.

    It is turned off right now and when it turns on, the guys with books full of completed BODs will take it to max quickly.  

    You only place them there when it is building up power.  

    Crafters can put slayers on your weapons and Books.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Every bit of loot dropping now needs a crafter to take it to full durability. I'm using my crafter daily to upgrade my other char's kit. 
    I got my first 'lure' drop on my archer when I'd managed to upgrade the bow she was using, doing more damage on the boss.  Crafters are 'enablers', they improve the other characters' chances of getting the items you need to progress further.
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 100
    Every bit of loot dropping now needs a crafter to take it to full durability. I'm using my crafter daily to upgrade my other char's kit. 
    I got my first 'lure' drop on my archer when I'd managed to upgrade the bow she was using, doing more damage on the boss.  Crafters are 'enablers', they improve the other characters' chances of getting the items you need to progress further.

    Sorry to sound dumb, just trying to learn to add to the shard.  I understand fully what you are saying about durability.  When you talk about upgrade is that different than increasing durability?  Is there a site you can send me to that I can learn how to do this?

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Basically, because the congiarium advanced she was able to get a eminently accurate repeating crossbow of force, which my crafter then restored to 150/150 durability, making it useable. Weapons can now be enhanced with slayer properties, silver for undead, demonbane, giantbane (repond) scalebane (reptile slayer) venombane (arachnid slayer) stormbane (elemental slayer)
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