Breaking bots by standing in doorways
Just a little event humor, you can break some event bots by standing in single doorways because their auto-pathing can't cope with a door they can't open/close. Anyone have an army of EJ accounts and a vindictive streak?

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Reminises about hay bales.
Can't go into Hay bales. Cows Love em. Fresh milk.
I'm just saying if an EJ account is blocking and the GM see you blocking after told to stop, They will ban for that activity. You are not blocking in Tram.
Fun is better than drops!
PS: just read the vet initial reaction to this post.. total madness ^^
Unpaid account disturbing the bots? You better have the answer cuz...
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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Messing with bots, awesome I do it all the time, Tram or Fel, I don't care if I risk warnings to do it, I'm having fun, its a sandbox game.
Players can be time rich/cash poor, time poor/cash rich, time poor/cash poor, time rich/cash rich.
Every player finds a way to play that meets their needs to be able to play UO, which is an intensive grind game.
Some people care more, some people care less, some people want more, some people want less.
Each to their own I say, live and let live, play your game, have fun.
I know students who have scripted and botted to raise cash to get through university. I will mess with them all day long, but ultimately I say, well done to you, I wish you all the best in life and at Uni.
I know people who are stuck at work all day long, who script to make up for their lack of playing time.
I know players who have a lot of cash, and cannot play so much, so buy what they need. The entire RMT situation would not exist, if players were not BUYING. It takes two to tango. My only regret there actually, is it is not Broadsword raking in that money - I genuinely wish it was.
I know people who have multiple family accounts and play them all when other family members cannot play, to make sure all characters are geared. Because you cannot often put in the multiple amount of time required, but you are still paying X amount more.
I know people who play all day long. They have the time to do everything "by the rules".
Should these players get to judge everyone else? I think that is poor form and attitude myself. I get tired of these complainers, so I go to Felucca to avoid them all. 90% of the time, they are busy judging people who are not "bots", as quite often I know the people and how they play. I've known the cleanest players get accused of botting. I am not pretending to be the cleanest player these days {I actually used to be, I was known for it}. I would quite happily be transparent and open about how I play, but I am equally tired of the reverse toxicity to quote Rhel, and the judgement, so I avoid it all.
The Bots, and people that some people think it is their divine right to complain about all day long, are people as well, living their own life, and doing their best. Good luck to everyone. Play how you want, but make sure you are enjoying yourself.
Onto the leaving doors open to break Bots - very cool, I'm looking for tricks like that, all day every day, to break bots and scripts, it is fun
right @cookie ?
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Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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My opinion is, for years we begged Broadsword to improve Classic, and many many players said it could not be done. This is the line we were fed for a decade, I did not believe it, I argued against it, I made many suggestions to improve Classic. And a lot were implemented - but there is still more to do, and now, I believe the Devs understand that.
Then we saw guys programming from their basements, actually do it. And honestly, in my opinion, they maintain the look and feel of UO, as if it had continued to be developed and maintained. I know and understand the UO Devs are often in "Maintenance" mode, but I felt they stepped back when they could have carried on improving the game.
So, my final opinion, if the Devs can progress UO Classic to the point it has the playability I enjoy, and I love playing UO, then absolutely, they can ban the 3rd party clients. I do not believe in stepping backwards however. There is no need to.
I am more than happy to detail the exact playability options, and many times I try to drip feed suggestions in. But I am limited in what I can do, as much of the time, my posts get deleted as I am crossing lines.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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I've said my piece, made myself clear, no need for me to say anymore.
Mesanna nor the CM ain't controlling the GM.
Does the bots affiliate are the actual GMs?? *raising eyebrow*
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio