[Opinion] Revenant immortals and reduction of receiving renowned object The Shattered Sanctum event

mismis Posts: 250
edited November 2024 in General Discussions
**I do not know if this is true for all Shards, this happens in Europe.**

In the same way that I congratulated for the great event that was held, I must fairly acknowledge that the event with the new changes involving immortal Revenants andyou can't make Hit Mana Leech and run out of mana when you attack them, as well as reducing the probability of receiving renamed item, I recognize that the event is a failure.

Not even Dark Father, who is badly programmed for summoning corpse-less summons from the ground, which is very false, his revenants are not immortal, you can kill them.

And a crappy Lich or Bone magi will bring out an immortal revenant you can't make Hit Mana Leech and run out of mana and prevents you from attacking properly, superior to any final boss.

Literally very fake and horrible, if they do not change this, I can tell you, in a fair way the same way I congratulated, they have failed the developers of the event and destroyed the entertainment.

If I see it goes on like this in a few days, personally, I will stop playing this event, I don't like fake and meaningless stuff and on top of that reduced probability of receiving items, it's not worth wasting a minute there.


  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 964
    edited November 2024
    Personally still having a blast messing with cheaters & botters.. i'm using dispiro malas to vape those revenant.. had plenty of PvP tonight.. I had someone new that came to play with me on legends.. this was A LOT of fun.. that other person.. let's call him rocket man (he was flying over the screen; frame skipping like a mofo) since he's a cheater he got a fragile ego.. he was soo easy to taunt.. he lost patience and died like a poo.. he left and was MAD... he promise me he would return tomorow on his mage tho. *crossing fingers*

    We doing god's work here.. but this is sad man.. all those cheaters. Hopefully BS wake up before we have to force their hands.. i'm collecting some AWESOME footage/evidence here.

    Edit: what reduction are we talking about? u got any link, please?.. not sure i follow you on that one.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • mismis Posts: 250
    KroDuK said:

    Edit: what reduction are we talking about? u got any link, please?.. not sure i follow you on that one.
    We play in different shard, that's why I warn that this change is in Europe, the rest I don't know.

    There is no link, in fact, the simple or irrelevant changes are not published in any publishers.

    The test is very simple, if 30 minutes playing before the change you won for example 6 (the number is a random example) and with the change with the same time you win 3, it is a reduction, that is the test that I have been able to check on Trammel.

    So my link is a little doll

    Immortal Spirit Avengers and gain reduction of renowned! (XD)

  • RhelRhel Posts: 78
    So the only thing holding back sampires are revenants? And sampires still some how collecting 50-70 artifacts per invasion? Seems like the need to increase the revenants and make them do more damage to characters in VE imo. 

    The event, on my tamer, as been ok at best. I'm definitely not pulling in the level of artifacts sampires get. If I don't use one of the P2W bottles, I average ~10-15 if I do the entire invasion. With P2W bottles I'm averaging ~25.

    Meanwhile sampire friends without bottles are averaging 40-50 per invasion and with are upwards of 70. 

    Also, paragons seem to have massive hard ons for any tamer. I've ran by paragons fighting sampires and they will literally leash to me and never leave me alone until they or I am dead. Actually had a paragon skeletal mare teleport across Moonglow just to kill me. Left it at the docks, and ~2 minutes later when I had thought I'd escaped/invised I was at the bank, heard the teleport sound, and a half dead mare showed up out of no where.

    Revenant's are the least of the issues with this event imo. 
  • mismis Posts: 250

    [Update] Old system in felucca, no revenant and normal renaming gain

    Just tested on felucca 20m, old system, no revenant and normal gain of renamed objects.

    in case the changes are not reversed in Trammel, I recommend going to felucca, but beware, there is a risk of being attacked.
  • mismis Posts: 250
    Rhel said:
    So the only thing holding back sampires are revenants? And sampires still some how collecting 50-70 artifacts per invasion?
    affects everyone, my friend Malik who is a SW necro mage also fell because he could not dispel them in Trammel.

    I received from 2 revenant 10 life loss per hit, total 20 life, without being able to heal myself because when I hit them it doesn't give life either.

    it is a global problem, for the moment until it is changed, I recommend felucca, in felucca is the old system.
  • Rhel said:
    Also, paragons seem to have massive hard ons for any tamer. I've ran by paragons fighting sampires and they will literally leash to me and never leave me alone until they or I am dead.

    This is normal paragon behavior and has been for twenty years, they tend to switch targets on movement. Seriously, why do tamers feel so entitled to never be hit by a monster ever for any reason? You aren't the first to be surprised by it lately, or to imagine that the game must be out to get tamers specifically.

  • PsycoderTooPsycoderToo Posts: 63
    edited November 2024
    Rhel said:
    Also, paragons seem to have massive hard ons for any tamer. I've ran by paragons fighting sampires and they will literally leash to me and never leave me alone until they or I am dead.

    This is normal paragon behavior and has been for twenty years, they tend to switch targets on movement. Seriously, why do tamers feel so entitled to never be hit by a monster ever for any reason? You aren't the first to be surprised by it lately, or to imagine that the game must be out to get tamers specifically.

    As a tamer main, this is plain wrong. Every tamer knows that the event paragons have extra hard-on for tamers. Sometimes they chase me 5 screens just because I'm a tamer. :D
  • RhelRhel Posts: 78
    Rhel said:
    Also, paragons seem to have massive hard ons for any tamer. I've ran by paragons fighting sampires and they will literally leash to me and never leave me alone until they or I am dead.

    This is normal paragon behavior and has been for twenty years, they tend to switch targets on movement. Seriously, why do tamers feel so entitled to never be hit by a monster ever for any reason? You aren't the first to be surprised by it lately, or to imagine that the game must be out to get tamers specifically.

    So that's how sampires can just train their paragons onto other people and when they do, despite trying to flee, the paragons never switch back to a sampire. 

    Laughable that you're talking about tamers when the event is flooded by sampire bots, who despite the "wet noodle fixes" to stop sampires, seem to be doing perfectly fine tanking 3-4 paragons + additional mobs. Also, they 1 shot most things it takes a pet to kill in ~20-30 seconds. lol

    The tamer hate is so strong and deep in UO that it blinds most of you to the reality that tamers are mediocre at many things and sampires still rule PvM despite Broadswords "attempts" at fixing them. 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    That’s a two way street though, Rhel.  :/
  • Rhel said:
    So that's how sampires can just train their paragons onto other people and when they do, despite trying to flee, the paragons never switch back to a sampire. 

    LMAO, so what's your theory, the developers programmed secret special paragon AI that scans the templates of surrounding players and only chases tamers? Maybe next they can add a craftable tinfoil hat for you to equip when you start feeling like this.

    Rhel said:The tamer hate is so strong and deep in UO

    It would help if you guys didn't come here crying every time a monster dares to hit you. Like oh no, it's so unfair that you actually took damage, developers please give tamers invincibility already, is that the reaction you were expecting?
  • Rhel said:
    So that's how sampires can just train their paragons onto other people and when they do, despite trying to flee, the paragons never switch back to a sampire. 

    LMAO, so what's your theory, the developers programmed secret special paragon AI that scans the templates of surrounding players and only chases tamers? Maybe next they can add a craftable tinfoil hat for you to equip when you start feeling like this.

    Rhel said:The tamer hate is so strong and deep in UO

    It would help if you guys didn't come here crying every time a monster dares to hit you. Like oh no, it's so unfair that you actually took damage, developers please give tamers invincibility already, is that the reaction you were expecting?

    Look dude you need to chill , you were the one begging for life leech restrictions to be removed from paragons for sampires.
  • mismis Posts: 250
    edited November 2024
    [Update] Trammel returns to the old system in Europe and group loot system verification

    Trammel goes back to the old system, no revenant and renamed objects without reduction.

    As a result of reading a post by @PsycoderToo where he said:

    'This is an event where luck matters. If you are in a party with a very high luck player, you get a minor luck buff. I have never seen the actual numbers but I always assumed this was a 10% buff to party members. So if you have 2 max luck bards following you, then you get 4 song benefits and extra +400 luck.'

    I did the test of putting a tamer hidding with more than 1000 luck and me attacking next to it, the tests were amazing, two pages of renamed items, just as he said, the group luck effectively works.

    My compliments to the dev team, please, if you can leave everything as it is regarding damage/effects and % of receiving items, perfect.

    Thanks for your service

    add: the result was attacking enemies that nobody was attacking, I asked to be left only minutes, some did it, if the enemy receives damage from others this is modified as explained in the luck system indicated in the wiki

    Note: As the tamer is weak and was going to die for sure, that's why I did that static test, in hidding. which is a different option than what  @PsycoderToo said, where there are characters hooked by CC to the main one.
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 596
    edited November 2024
    Iniquity said:
    Look dude you need to chill , you were the one begging for life leech restrictions to be removed from paragons for sampires.

    I don't know what to tell you man, the part where I go "you're right dude it's BS that paragons are allowed to target tamers, what a legit issue to post about" just ain't coming. There's a difference between a sampire not wanting nerfs actively aimed at them during every event for eternity, and a tamer just being mad that paragon AI is allowed to target them like literally any other character.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    mis said:
    [Update] Trammel returns to the old system in Europe and group loot system verification

    Trammel goes back to the old system, no revenant and renamed objects without reduction.

    As a result of reading a post by @ PsycoderToo where he said:

    'This is an event where luck matters. If you are in a party with a very high luck player, you get a minor luck buff. I have never seen the actual numbers but I always assumed this was a 10% buff to party members. So if you have 2 max luck bards following you, then you get 4 song benefits and extra +400 luck.'

    I did the test of putting a tamer hidding with more than 1000 luck and me attacking next to it, the tests were amazing, two pages of renamed items, just as he said, the group luck effectively works.

    My compliments to the dev team, please, if you can leave everything as it is regarding damage/effects and % of receiving items, perfect.

    Thanks for your service

    add: the result was attacking enemies that nobody was attacking, I asked to be left only minutes, some did it, if the enemy receives damage from others this is modified as explained in the luck system indicated in the wiki

    Note: As the tamer is weak and was going to die for sure, that's why I did that static test, in hidding. which is a different option than what  @ PsycoderToo said, where there are characters hooked by CC to the main one.
    Yes auto follow is OP and either needs to be removed from game or immediately added to EC
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 964
    edited November 2024
    Like Grim said, but forget EC do it on CC only.   :*

    I wouldn't say no to have my thief on auto follow at all time.. only for the fact for when I die like a piece a doodoo to one of the hardest paragon and my paladin.. it would save me sacrifice or gem of salvation.. on top of gearing the thief with a luck set for extra reward.

    Or even better i could use auto follow to chase those rocket man using cheat engine to frame skip and just press 2 button while "PvP" with auto chassing ON; holy light and bleed.  :|
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • mismis Posts: 250
    [Update] Revenants have been activated in Europe, tests confirm that casting Chivalry's Dispel Evil spell directly removes the target.

    ** An alternative is to carry a secondary weapon with a Hit Dispel.

    [Not personally tested] A player reported to me that in bodies like paragon he has found renamed objects, initially I have told him that it may be because they have been stolen from other players, but to check all bodies to confirm this fact.

    If confirmed it would mean that all creatures or paragons have a % of renamed object appearance.
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