Shattered Sanctum Information (Town Invasions)

PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
edited November 2024 in General Discussions
This is a part of the Echoes of the Blighted Realm arc.
I'm just going over the killing part of the event.
  • Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum
    • Necromatic powers are causing the undead to rise within the towns of Britannia!
    • Town invasions will be active in both Trammel and Felucca (same town on both facets)
      • Guard zones are disabled within towns that are actively invaded
    • Earn artifacts bearing the Crest of the Shattered Sanctum from defeating mobs
    • A Vile Necromancer Lord mini-boss will spawn randomly within a town being invaded — defeat them for a higher chance at receiving artifacts!
    • Shadow Reaver cultists have hidden cursed objects within towns in order to assist the Necromancer Lords in raising the dead!
      • Utilize the Detect Hidden skill to locate and reveal these hidden chests within an invasion town
      • Cunning adventurers who can reveal the chests, overcome the traps, and pick the lock on these chests may be rewarded with a variety of gems, reagents, artifacts, uncommon deco, or even rare stealables within!
The town criers will tell you which town is being invaded. When the Artisan festival begins, that town will be excluded.

The town will have a period 5 ish minutes that those columns come from the sky.
Then the invasion starts.  Eventually you get a message that the Vile Necromancer has entered the battle.  If there is a large crowd in the city, you may never see him.  He has lots of HPs but a small crowd kills him fast.  He drops 6(?) items, spread in players packs.  So, when  you see the announcement, run around killing stuff to find him but don't waste a lot of time not killing stuff.  He is a Necromancer on a horse, you may not see him in a crowd.
After he dies the invasion continues.  Keep killing stuff.  Later you get a message that the invasion is complete.  The Mobs will stop spawning, but take no prisoners. Soon the mobs that are not killed will go poof.
Then in a bout 5 Mins the cryer will announce the new city that will be invaded.

This event will allow many differing templates to be used.  Melee, distance, casters, Bards, and Tamers can be used.  The event lasts until February so you don't have to speed thru it.
Like the other ToT events; Luck, mob fame, and the more things you kill will determine how many drops you get.
When you kill a paragon of the ones below, you are close to getting a drop, you may want to kill smaller mobs until that happens.  But it is not uncommon for a few paragons to spawn in the same area.

This event has paragons and some new Mobs. Any mob created within the boundaries can be a paragon. Birds, Pigs, etc.  In Nujelm the mobs in the grave yards can be paragons.  A named paragon Bone Knight takes a while to kill.  That departed player wants their revenge!

Here are stats of the plain version more difficult mobs and new Mobs.  I left out the pages that were 0.  The others can be found in current Hunters guides.

What weapon damage would be best for this event?
At first glance you would say a Fire Undead slayer weapon.
Undead slayer is what you want, but notice one of these mobs, the Skeletal Mare, has 
90 fire resist.  So either switch to an energy weapon, use consecrate, or use AI.

Here are the individual player templates that you will see.

Oops you wont see macers very often...

The swordsman should also have a bladed staff for the Mares and paragons so they can use AI for damage.

So, for those who are going to use a slayer weapon or tali use a different damage type on the Mares
or use consecrate.  The new T hunt boss drop Bow does 100% energy damage, with a slayer tali you can take those down.

The paragon versions of these will have added Regens and higher melee and magic stats than the normal ones.

The devs decided to take it easy on us and not have the paragons have very high HP.

What type pet is best:

I would say a fire damage pet but look at all the 0s and low resists in the pages above. The Mare has high fire resist.  Probably not the best idea to use a poison damage pet.

With the low HP on these paragons, any pet type will kill them.

You could even drag out your Cold or Energy damage Drakes and use them for this event.  Let them see the light of day for a change.

Unlike the Dynamic dungeons, these mobs do not do a lot of damage, rare to see a dead pet that was not someone's mount.

Faster moving templates will quickly get from Mob to Mob. Using AI will 1 or 2 hit kill almost every non para Mob.

The mobs are scattered in the cities.  Each city has areas that have more concentrated mob spawns, you can find those areas as needed.  

More players in the city, more mobs spawn.

I have  <3 this event so far!

Good Luck and have fun!

Thanks @Kyronix and all!
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    Eventually you get a message that the Vile Necromancer has entered the battle.  If there is a large crowd in the city, you may never see him.  He has lots of HPs but a small crowd kills him fast.  He drops 6(?) items, spread in players packs.

    What do you mean that the Boss drops 6(?) items in players' packs ?

    What items are they ?
    I have helped killed a few of these Vile Necromancers but have never found any special item (artifact ?) drop in my backpack... what items do they drop ?
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 964
    edited November 2024
    When u kill the necro boss you have the same artefact that drop from trash mobs dropping in your backpack (the one to return at brit for reward point)

    From my experience.. the necro boss RNG is WILD.. I can solo one on dual account.. and receive 1+1 (2 total) wich mean i lost my time cuz it take me 15 min to kill.. i ended up losing artefact.

    Sometimes i arrive and the boss has 20% HP and receive 4+2.

    If your not playing on a crowded shard and killing it fast.. i would completly skip the boss.. it's almost a slot machine.. gain big or lose some.

    Edit: the 6 numbers.. he was just guessing.. if i were to guess anyone with loot right can receive 1-4 artefact (wild RNG)
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I found that armor ignore doesn't work on the boss, you get a message saying it has no effect. I'm mostly playing my archer using a fire damage undead slayer composite bow. When I find the boss I switch to a fire damage undead slayer yumi and use armor pierce.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited November 2024
    Good to know.  I have not seen many last for more than a few seconds.  I finally found one that only had 2 players on it.  I was pushing my dismount macro instead of AI.  So I didn't see a msg.

    @popps ; Yes, the normal drop items.  Supposed to be a bonus for killing him. I read 6 somewhere but am not sure if it was a player or on UO.

    As said above it seems random, I also came up on one almost dead and got 3 items.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Paragon chests are on all three of the New Mobs.

    Boneweaver, Skeletal Grimalkin, and Skeletal Mare.

    Rumor is you can dismount the Necromancer in fel and tame his horse.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Like I said earlier some cities have areas of dense spawn.

    One example is the upper and lower floor of Vesper museum.  Can find 20+ Mobs in there. Kill em cross a bridge, kill those things, then go back and new ones are there.

    This event spawn and respawn is based on players in the city.  

    When a city begins the spawn is kinda slow, a few minutes later it picks up.  about 10 min before it ends it starts slowing down again.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Love the Bear!!!!

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited December 2024

    Please put Minoc back in the rotation!!

    Feedback on number of players vs spawn density.  I have only played this event on LS.  

    I have tried a few nights where there were 5 or so players in towns.  The melee players running around have enough to kill,  Archers/Throwers can pick off one thing after another.

    The 4 or 5 melee players and archers do not do much damage to the Necro Boss.  I bring my tamers in to slowly kill it, they run off to kill more stuff.

    With a mid size crowd there is more spawn everyone is pretty busy.  You can set up spots for a tamer to defend an area,  Mystic to make RCs and cast.  Most players will not see the Necro Boss, it dies fast.

    With a large group of players 20+ OMG!!! The spawn is insane. Especially in Moonglow.
    Lucky I took my warrior there.  Its WW city My fingers are tired!  These mobs are like the ones at the void pool, a group will spawn and they head right towards you.  Just WW over and over and next thing you know you killed hundreds of things.  Love it!

    I went in an alley looking for a respite, Vic mentioned an NPC that frequented the area.  Next thing I know I'm surrounded by Mobs again.  There is no safe place, the Mobs find you and pour in one after another.  It's Awesome!

    I have played in all the available cities with varying participants.

    Some cities allow for Ranged fighters/casters to kill things the others can not.  Trinsic has many Mobs you can kill over the river, on rooftops, etc.

    I think players prefer different cities.  Moonglow is the smallest play area, so the mobs are thick as thieves in primetime.

    Lots of FUN!  I need more green fires!

    Annoying thing about each class. 
    Fighter is on paragons, Archer comes running up, all the paragons target him and he runs away, so melee guy leaves to kill closer stuff.  The paragons are multiple screens away now,

    Archer just minding his own business plinking away, when he comes on a group of paragons,  the horse does a 60 damage breath attack. So he runs away to heal.  Then he tries to find the fighter to give the paragons back to and he is no where to be found.  He just wanted one of them...

    3.bmp 1.3M
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited December 2024
    The event is also now in the Solen Hives.  It goes thru the same messages as the cities. There is a Necromancer boss there also.  The same undead mobs are there along with the normal occupants of the hive.

    The hives are quite crowded with Mobs.  If you are there alone there are a lot of Mobs.  You can enter a hole and go to the next hole and to the center, kill the stuff in the center, and go back the the beginning.  

    It will also cycle through special mobs, Lich Lord, Bone Daemon, Undead Gargoyle, Skeletal Drake.  One of those will be there with the other mobs.

    You don't want to die if you are using a potion of Glorious Fortune.  That will basically cost you 5 drops worth of time to get out and get ressed and return.  I attempt to not kill the ants, most of my deaths have an ant spitting poison involved.  They can do 2 hits of 24 damage with 80 resist.  A couple of times I have been insta killed by an ant near me, Ill die and just see a warrior ant.  I'm not standing in the poison spot they make.  They also become paragons, they have little fame so they are not worth the time killing them.  Ant Lion Paras also take a while to kill.  They also have low fame, so the time is not really worth it.  The wanna be Queens also can become paragons, also take a while to kill.

    There are a lot of mobs there so a WW warrior can kill the fastest/time. You can try other templates and see if you like this or cities.  I just use the hives now and only go to the city if it is Moonglow.

    If you drink a potion you should check the special mob there.  If it is the Drakes, they take the longest to kill and will kill you more often that the other paras.  I prefer the Gargoyles, but Ill use a potion if anything but drakes are there.

    On LS, not many players are in the hives but the hive is filled with spawn even when you are alone.

    I can verify the Necromancer gives 6 shattered Sanctum drops spread between the damagers.

    Here is the Map:

    Here are the Lore pages of the 2 weakest resident paras.

    Merry Christmas!  Have Fun!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 964
    edited December 2024
    UO, under BS management, is a theme gated game and in my opinion this event does not worth to be played if your not planning to use bots while frame skipping all over the place, just ignore it. Imagine dropping money on luck potion when u could be botting a couple accounts down there for wayyyy cheaper, easier and simplier.(we could even add legitter under BS)

    The current management has declared a war and MIA after 2 big failures since July.. till they address the obvious issues and communicate with the legit players base, wich place their trust into them... just ignore the event if u legit wich is impossible with such heretic items down the line. This is like a ticking time bomb plant by themselves against their legit users.. pushing us toward the exit if we don't consider botting 10+ accounts and/or buying gold.

    Weird irony in this dilemma; to not play the game or to bot the game?   :#

    Boardsword could have give us, legit users, coal for christmas at this point instead of such quality of events i would have felt more respected and appreciated.. too many automated cockroaches in game, even on dead servers, and a clear lack of real human players cause by BS inaction and wrong doing.. like giving us false hope and making this Heretic event even better for bots users.

    This event (the game since it's a theme gated game under BS) is a shame for any legit sandbox lover.. to not play or to bot.. there is the question.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited December 2024
    I choose to play...

    I forgot to mention a couple of things about the Necro boss.  He has right under 10K gold on him and has quite a few artifacts.

    I made a couple more paragons.  These also take a while to kill, not high fame.
    Ant Lion:

    Giant Beetle:

    That's a heck of a Blue bug!

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 964
    edited December 2024
    Pawain said:
    I choose to play...
    You got any archer template for me, to drop money on luck potion; wasting money to compete vs the legion of bots?
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Pawain said:
    I choose to play...

    I forgot to mention a couple of things about the Necro boss.  He has right under 10K gold on him and has quite a few artifacts.

    I made a couple more paragons.  These also take a while to kill, not high fame.
    Ant Lion:

    Giant Beetle:

    That's a heck of a Blue bug!

    I wish all paragons could drop chest
  • KroDuK said:
    Pawain said:
    I choose to play...
    You got any archer template for me, to drop money on luck potion; wasting money to compete vs the legion of bots?
    my archer, virtually un-killable unless you get a couple of certain paras on you or 10+ liches/LL or arent paying attention, no shame in running away and coming back slowly. I can easily get 30-40 drop without luck potion per invasion
    arch.jpg 192.5K
  • JamesJames Posts: 94
    KroDuK said:
    Pawain said:
    I choose to play...
    You got any archer template for me, to drop money on luck potion; wasting money to compete vs the legion of bots?
    my archer, virtually un-killable unless you get a couple of certain paras on you or 10+ liches/LL or arent paying attention, no shame in running away and coming back slowly. I can easily get 30-40 drop without luck potion per invasion
    I’ve seen several Necro Archers in this event that work really good.  Would you please share what you have on your bow?

  • FenriswolfFenriswolf Posts: 134
    edited December 2024
    James said:

    I’ve seen several Necro Archers in this event that work really good.  Would you please share what you have on your bow?

    Made exceptional, removed damage increase, maxed durability then imbued Undead/LL/Fire area/SSI and last one optional, you only have to be careful around Para Drakes or Gargs, you can stand toe to toe with pretty much everything else

    Bow special is lightning arrow which is even more AOE

    If you can find a bow with more Life Leech would make it ultra easy mode, but key factor is the 50/60 SSI with fast bow speed means you pretty much heal up so quick nothing can kill you

    Spells. I just consecreate weapon every now and again and bandage if have taken heavy damage thats about it, dispel evil on revenants occasionally dont even bother removing curses as wastes time

    bow.jpg 113.4K
  • JamesJames Posts: 94
    Thanks @Fenriswolf ;
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 964
    edited December 2024
    KroDuK said:
    Pawain said:
    I choose to play...
    You got any archer template for me, to drop money on luck potion; wasting money to compete vs the legion of bots?
    my archer, virtually un-killable unless you get a couple of certain paras on you or 10+ liches/LL or arent paying attention, no shame in running away and coming back slowly. I can easily get 30-40 drop without luck potion per invasion
    Actually a very similar build as my PvP necro archer switch chiv for 120 SS with 105 necro. thx for sharing.. Personally it's unplayable.. i'm not competting against armies of bots frame skipping all over the place.. specially considering BS war post and failures... cuz we have the choice grinding 10 hours per day or botting 1 hour per day for the same result. Choice is easy.. once u realised that and refuse to cheat (i got the alt accounts; rdy to go..) u become me and putting your trust in BS..
    To not play or to bot.
    attack on Broadsword staff removed by Mariah
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
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