[Opinion] Estimated price of renamed object The Shattered Sanctum

I would like your opinion on the valuation of each point of the event.

Taking into account that it is a temporary event and the importance of some artifacts, I start this with the following valuation.

Price per item renamed The Shattered Sanctum (or point however you want to say it):

Min: 1,000,000 gold
Max: 4.000.000 gold

This means that if we take the maximum as a reference, an object of 100 points would be 400.000.000 gold.

I appreciate serious opinions, if you consider that range good prices.


  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 235
    edited November 20
    Prices will fluctuate through out the event.  They will start high, but be a bit lower toward back end of the event when there are significantly more items for sale on VS.  There are alot of good rewards for this event, so I am going to guess the price is a little higher compared to the drops from the previous few events.

    Right now the best estimate of value is what Vendor Search says.  A few pieces - like bone and plate helms - will be higher than most other drop items as collectors like to pick those up for building suits.  But there is no static value that can be applied just yet... people are still evaluating what lag and drop rate will be like.
  • PsycoderTooPsycoderToo Posts: 63
    edited November 20
    When the Tokuno event ended, the most expensive items were around 50mil. When the sails event ended the most expensive items were around 15mil.

    Before this event started the Vambraces from 3 years ago were 400mil. No item from on an ongoing event should be 400mil. That being said, I have a feeling you are going to be right about your prediction for this event.

    So far I tried this event on 2 shards. 

    On Atlantic I could not farm any items. Because I keep lagging and I keep dying without even taking a single step or casting a single spell. I can't farm on Atlantic.

    On Europa I could not farm any items. Because it is a dead shard. The zone was too big without enough spawn in between. I spent more time running left and right than actually hitting something. I can't farm on Europa. In all fairness, I have to admit, I only spent 5 minutes on Europa then left. Because there was not much fun to have after the first glance.

    I hope they figure out something to make this event fun for us. I don't know... I was looking forward to this event a lot. Constantly running numbers on excel sheet, making builds, figuring out how many of each item I need. It was going to be so much fun. 

    Right now, all I feel is a very sour taste. Looks like I will be playing New World tonight again.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,403
    All is well on baja the Manifestation is a little tougher but overall two thumbs up
  • Grimbeard said:
    All is well on baja the Manifestation is a little tougher but overall two thumbs up

    Show off, :p
  • psychopsycho Posts: 356
    edited November 20

    On Europa I could not farm any items. Because it is a dead shard. The zone was too big without enough spawn in between. I spent more time running left and right than actually hitting something. I can't farm on Europa. In all fairness, I have to admit, I only spent 5 minutes on Europa then left. Because there was not much fun to have after the first glance.

    The spawnrate on Europa right now is not good.  There are far more players in active town than there is mobs to kill, and all compete about the same mobs. Doesnt matter if you go trammel or felucca its the same bad spawnrate.  It was good earlier today, at minoc and britain, even though there were less players online.   But now today in Vesper, and espesially skara brae and nujelm, just now Yew just terrible spawnrate.  Im averaging 1 drops for 15min play on sampire.

    Ontop of that you have mobs that spawn in unreaschable places, such as in walls and on this picfrom nujelm where is that bone knight, underwater? lol, sure you can kill it with 10 specialized chars and spellweaving, but its a mess and not good player experience.  sampire, archer, tamer cant do anything about stuck mobs in walls.

    I invite the devs to log onto Europa shard and see for themselves. thank you

    As for the topic of this thread:  Prices will get cheaper
  • mismis Posts: 204
    thank you for your contributions

    @PsycoderToo too bad you can't enjoy the event because of the lag, try to try at a different time in case it improves.

    I have seen the outdoor spawn and inaccessible, let's see if they can fix it.

    personally I'm enjoying the event a lot, I feel like a teenager because I'm so hooked.

    I hope the lag and spawn will be solved and I can change your impression :)
  • TheoTheo Posts: 208
    edited November 21
    They will drop on price over time. This is going to go on for months. 
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 698
    edited November 22
    The price of those pieces are priceless if your not botting.. do not sell any or your gonna regret it soon enough.. Let the bots users fix the pricing on those cuz only them can afford to sell them.. way too much heresy to miss out on any of those with our limited tools and/or time.

    PS: i skip over this thread on the second comment; when i've read psycoder saying sail event were MAX 15m :# .. i came back in june on legends the only shard bound listed on vendor were mostly the pirates event.. just the repond slayer totem was 20m, balron armor 69m and fortune's visage 85m., it was DURING the sail event (almost the end).. (with 2x serpents quivers 125m a pop and 2x sash kinetic eater 96 & 140m a pop) those were 99% of shard bound items for sale on legends.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,450
    Bottom line is most drops from most similar events sell in the one to four million price range so you are right on. For a few items, for example a complete armor suit, the individual items may sell for more.
  • mismis Posts: 204
    **In the shards where they received this modification**.

    After the new changes of Revenant immortals and reduction of receiving a renamed item, these are the new minimums and maximums:

    Min: 4.000.000 gold
    Max: 8.000.000 gold
  • mismis Posts: 204
    [Update] Price | Trammel returns to the old system in Europe

    Unless the revenant and reduction of renamed items is reactivated, it returns to the price indicated in the original publication.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,450
    Not sure what this thread is referring to.  Normal drops generally sell in the the one to four million dollar price range.  Mine have been selling well for around 2.5 to 3 million each.  Prices for event rewards vary widely, often some rewards sell for well over 100 million gold, based I would guess on actual demand.  Think players with multiple bots that farm these events for their vendors can reduce the price of some of these items.
  • mismis Posts: 204
    edited November 23
    Arnold7 said:
    Not sure what this thread is referring to.  Normal drops generally sell in the the one to four million dollar price range.  Mine have been selling well for around 2.5 to 3 million each.  Prices for event rewards vary widely, often some rewards sell for well over 100 million gold, based I would guess on actual demand.  Think players with multiple bots that farm these events for their vendors can reduce the price of some of these items.
    The origin is a question of opinion on a valuation of these renowned objects, which in your opinion falls within the price bracket.

    thanks for your contribution
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,261
    edited November 23
    IMO the bear is going to keep the prices higher once players see them in action.

    Ill take all I can get if they are 200M.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • mismis Posts: 204
    [update] Information

    In my opinion the prices could increase considerably between the end of December and January.

    Yesterday a millionaire made a sweep of renowned objects from 900,000 up to the full 1,500,000 range at Europa Shard, buying a large number of objects.

    The closer the expiration date approaches, the more long-term investments by Ultima Online's financial whales could be noticed, increasing and speculating their value per renamed object notably.
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