[Guide] New simple and effective method to raise Healing

  • Introduction
  • Method
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  • Introduction
The main Ultima Online guides explain Healing training methods where at levels 60 is to cure poison and from 80 onwards to resurrect other players, being sometimes complex methods and dependent on others to be able to raise the skill.

In my research on skills, I wanted to see how far I could raise the skill by healing myself before healing poison.

I have not been able to give an answer to this question, because in this test I did not use Power Scrolls and to my surprise, I reached 100 skill just by healing myself.

To guarantee a continuous increase of skill and insurance what I did was to use two dogs (not tamed) and being naked they attacked me, the time between blindfold and blindfold was 9 seconds, thus guaranteeing that each blindfold could cover a certain amount of life and in turn lowered enough life.

The reason I used two dogs is because the damage they did to me was enough to lower some health but not enough to kill me, thus guaranteeing a skill increase, so my recommendation unless you find other creatures of the same or similar damage amount, is to use two dogs.

It is important to apply a bandage every 9 seconds, otherwise you will barely cover enough life lost.

After many days of testing, healing poison or resurrecting another character did not demonstrate in any case an increase in speed to increase the skill, so there is no evidence or reason to do what other guides explain, the speed of skill increase by healing oneself, was within the speed according to its level.

As the tests were only up to 100 skill, for those who have to climb above that skill, my recommendation is that, except publish an update on this method of training to reach 100 to 120, to continue with the two dogs and healing itself, in case that after a long period of time did not raise the skill, it would begin to cure poison, in this case, what I had thought is that a Giant Spider would attack me with the same time, 9 seconds between each bandage, in case the Giant Spider could kill us, reduce time in the application of the bandage or use an armor that resists part of the damage received, since the goal here is only to cure poison and as a last resort if 120 is not reached, I would resurrect another player.

  • Method

0-50 Activate the New Haven quest to accelerate the skill, we get in the skill increase activation zone with two dogs (not tamed) attacking us and we heal ourselves.

50-100 Anywhere, two dogs (not tamed) attacking us and we heal.

100-120 [Untested] Continue with the two dogs, in case we don't go up for a long time, a Giant Spider attacking us and heal the poison, in case we don't reach 120, resurrect another player (Explanation in introduction).

Note: This method up to 100 skill has been tested and verified in a controlled manner, thus guaranteeing the player that it is effective and works. Tests carried out up to Publish 118.1 .

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  • mismis Posts: 251
    edited November 2024
    [Update] Method

    The latest tests confirm that the method of the two dogs reaches up to 110, if in the future I raise the skill up to 120 I will update the guide.

    As a remarkable fact to say that when the two dogs increase their skills their damage increases, therefore with the timer of 9 seconds I have died several times, the solution and recommendation is, even if you do not decide to have 125 dexterity, increase the dexterity up to 125 (you will modify the stats as you wish when you finish the skill) and apply a bandage every 6 seconds.

    This increase of dexterity and reduction of time in the application of the bandage to 6 seconds solves any problem with the increase of skills of the two dogs.

    The new order of the method is as follows:

    0-50 Activate the New Haven quest to accelerate the skill, we get in the skill increase activation zone with two dogs (not tamed) attacking us and we heal ourselves.

    50-110 Anywhere, two dogs (not tamed) attacking us and we heal.

    110-120 [Untested] Continue with the two dogs, in case we don't go up for a long time, a Giant Spider attacking us and heal the poison, in case we don't reach 120, resurrect another player (Explanation in introduction).

  • mismis Posts: 251
    edited November 2024
    [Update] Method

    After days of testing, I am pleased to confirm that the two-dog method can achieve 120 Healing.

    To emphasize that from 113 I began to notice a notable slowdown, to the point that to begin to raise points it took about 2 consecutive hours, later it begins to gain skill points more frequently, this happens several times so it is normal and I see it related to internal themes of gain of skill points of the server, so it is not necessary to give importance to it.

    The new order of the method is as follows:

    0-50 Activate the New Haven quest to accelerate the skill, we get in the skill increase activation zone with two dogs (not tamed) attacking us and we heal ourselves.

    50-120 Anywhere, two dogs (not tamed) attacking us and we heal.

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