PvP event idea / question

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator
edited June 2018 in Siege
Hello Siege!

Some time back on those *shudder* other shards, people would create new characters, name them Fred or Bob, and head for a given town - usually Luna - to beat each other's brains out. Or in.

Siege didn't see much of this, because of the one-character rule. And so, the Fred/Bob wars passed us by. 

But now, with the coming of EJ, we don't have to pay for an extra account to have a "throwaway" character. 

I would like to know if you would like to see Fred/Bob wars on Siege every now and then? I think it would be a good, safe introduction to PvP for folks who are afraid to put a toe into that red, murky water. After all, if you die, and are dry looted, what have you lost? Your beginner's stuff. Delete the character, and create a new one. 

You don't actually NEED me to run this sort of event, but I thought I'd ask, even if it's just to get the ball rolling. Or to be told "No. Shut up. Go away.".  I can live with either. 

So - Fred/Bob wars: A good idea, a terrible idea, somewhere in-between?

  1. Do you like the idea?5 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Would you take part?5 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. Who should run this?5 votes
    1. The EM
    2. The players


  • AballisterAballister Posts: 14
    I remember participating in couple Fred vs Bob wars. 

    Bob always won... well because who doesn't want to be Bob. 

    I never did one in Luna. I don't think Luna was even created yet. A couple of them were duds but I recall one that had 30 or 40 of each Fred and Bob. That was crazy fun. Was on top of the building that you have to use the secret entrance to get to the lighthouse in t2a. Was a capture the flag scenario.

    If I remember correctly most of the players were from other shards that would just go to what ever shard the Fred vs Bob war was on. Was before character transfers pretty sure.

    Would love to see it happen again. Not sure if it would work unless you can get a lot of participation. To me it was more about the shear number of players. Was not a whole lot tactics involved.
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