Shadow Hounds
I've tamed 8 Shadow Hounds so far (5 of them with 150 Stamina
) , and here's the stat range on them from what i've seen so far.
Hits: 152-191
Stamina: 145-150
Mana: 187-210
STR: 229-269
DEX: 145-163
INT: 187-210
Barding Difficulty: 81.8-83.6
Physical: 55-65
Fire: 38-45
Cold: 45-61
Poison: 25-35
Energy: 26-35
Wrestling: 72.0-78.4
Tactics: 74.4-83.9
Resisting Spells: 54.4-67.5
Anatomy: 72.3-80.0
Detect Hidden: 54.0
Damage Type: 100% Physical
Base Damage: 15-18
Abilities: Grasping Claw
Control Slots: 1 - 3 (they always spawn as 1)
Taming Required: 84.0
Hue 2764
Shadow Hounds rarely spawn from Daemonic Gates during the Manifestation of Evil boss fight, and only while the Manifestation is still alive. You have to damage the Manifestation enough for him to call in reinforcements and open more Daemonic Gates, which has a chance of spawning a Shadow Hound.
Shadow Hounds are the new top tier Pack Pet (asides from 1 slot Blood Foxes, which are no longer possible), they're tankier than Wolf Spiders in most circumstances, and the Grasping Claw (which lowers the victim's Physical Resist) allows them to dish out more damage in most circumstances. You'll want 5 Shadow Hounds with 150 Stamina (for max attack speed).
A five-pack of pets can deliver devastating damage to targets with lower resists due to Pack Instincts. The Taming Mastery ability "As One" allows you to spread damage taken between all pets you're commanding, which makes them less susceptible to being burst down. A 5 pack of Shadow Hounds under "As One" would have to take 750-1,000 total damage before they all die if not being healed. This synergizes extremely well if you're also partied with a full Bard that is providing "Invigorate", which will heal all your pets at the same time and boost their max Health by +26 each (so +130 total HP for a pack of 5). Stack "Inspire" on top of that, and you have a pack of tanky hounds that will rip shit apart.

Hits: 152-191
Stamina: 145-150
Mana: 187-210
STR: 229-269
DEX: 145-163
INT: 187-210
Barding Difficulty: 81.8-83.6
Physical: 55-65
Fire: 38-45
Cold: 45-61
Poison: 25-35
Energy: 26-35
Wrestling: 72.0-78.4
Tactics: 74.4-83.9
Resisting Spells: 54.4-67.5
Anatomy: 72.3-80.0
Detect Hidden: 54.0
Damage Type: 100% Physical
Base Damage: 15-18
Abilities: Grasping Claw
Control Slots: 1 - 3 (they always spawn as 1)
Taming Required: 84.0
Hue 2764
Shadow Hounds rarely spawn from Daemonic Gates during the Manifestation of Evil boss fight, and only while the Manifestation is still alive. You have to damage the Manifestation enough for him to call in reinforcements and open more Daemonic Gates, which has a chance of spawning a Shadow Hound.
Shadow Hounds are the new top tier Pack Pet (asides from 1 slot Blood Foxes, which are no longer possible), they're tankier than Wolf Spiders in most circumstances, and the Grasping Claw (which lowers the victim's Physical Resist) allows them to dish out more damage in most circumstances. You'll want 5 Shadow Hounds with 150 Stamina (for max attack speed).
A five-pack of pets can deliver devastating damage to targets with lower resists due to Pack Instincts. The Taming Mastery ability "As One" allows you to spread damage taken between all pets you're commanding, which makes them less susceptible to being burst down. A 5 pack of Shadow Hounds under "As One" would have to take 750-1,000 total damage before they all die if not being healed. This synergizes extremely well if you're also partied with a full Bard that is providing "Invigorate", which will heal all your pets at the same time and boost their max Health by +26 each (so +130 total HP for a pack of 5). Stack "Inspire" on top of that, and you have a pack of tanky hounds that will rip shit apart.

I didn't tame these on Atlantic. If you're on Atlantic, then "May the odds be ever in your favor"

Wow, that sucks they can spawn as 2 slots as well. I think they should be guaranteed to be 1 slot and have 150 Stamina, that would be better.