[Guide] How to reach 120 with Combat-type skills with the 10-hit method

mismis Posts: 251
edited October 2024 in Skills and Stats

Following the publication of 'How to raise skills with the 10-hit method', I wondered if this was the same for creatures and the answer is yes.

After days of testing melee type and range, I share how I reached 120 with different Combat type skills.

One of the surprises I had when I did these tests was that when going against Earth Elemental creatures I noticed that the speed of gaining skill was much slower without first reaching 10 hits on Old Haven undead creatures.

So for these tests I decided not to use HCI (Hit Chance Increase) in order to know at what actual level I got the 10 hits.

The first 10 hits in a row with Spectral Spellbinder, Skeleton and Zombie while in Old Haven was at 76 skill, Earth Elemental was at 102 and Gibberling was at 119.6 using melee.

In range type I reached 10 hits in a row on Acid Slug creatures at 118.2.

To calculate the 10 hits in a row should be done as follows, for example, imagine that a creature you finish with it in 3-4 hits, then you start counting, you continue with another creature of the same type, and so on until you make a total of 10 hits in a row without failing. This is because you will not be able to do 10 hits in a row to the same creature of this type (in reference to those named in this guide because of their low life) because it has died before, that's why I added it up for each one.

Details to take into account, I recommend not to use slayer weapons, the reason is because you finish before with the creature and here what matters is to hit and hit, the later the creature dies the better, so it is preferable that the weapon does not have Firewall, Lightning, etc..

Although in the tests to know the real data I did not use HCI, I recommend to use.

Regarding the Acid Slug, I have to say that from 75 I did not raise the Tactics skill, so for our purpose, these creatures are used to raise to 120 the Rank type skill, such as Archery, therefore, then we will have to supplement Tactics in another place, I raised Tactics quickly in Mini-Champs of Stygian Abyss Dungeon.


  • Melee Type:

0-76 attacking Spectral Spellbinder, Skeleton and Zombie in Old Haven.

76-102 attacking Earth Elemental in New Haven Mine

102-120 attacking Gibberling in Doom (to the northeast of the dungeon)

Note: I recommend with the Gibberling to use a weapon that has the special move 'Whirlwind Attack' for the moments that accumulate many at once, examples of weapon, Double Axe (Swordsmanship), Black Staff (Mace Fighting), Kama (Fencing).

  • Type Range:

0-76 attacking Spectral Spellbinder, Skeleton and Zombie in Old Haven.

76-120 attacking Acid Slug in Underworld (to the left of Garamon)

Note: I recommend to accelerate the process from 0 to 50 activate the New Haven Quests that provide Accelerated Gains and previously pay the NPCs to train you in the specific skill you want to raise.

These are the sites that I have found that I consider safe and with fairly fast continuous spawn, however, if you want to keep in mind this method of 10 hits in a row on the same type of creature, you can search and try other sites, that you know for sure that it works and you must change the type of creature when you get 10 hits in a row if you want to raise the skill faster.

Even if you hit 10 hits in a row, the creature can still give you skill points, even if it is slower, as was the example of the Gibberling at 119.6 and the Acid Slug at 118.2, both of which allow you to finish the skill up to 120.

Note: 100% reliable tests in a controlled manner with different skills such as Swordsmanship, Fencing and Archery, so the player is guaranteed that this guide is 100% effective and will be able to reach his goal safely following this order or applying this method to different creatures with the 10 hits system.

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