[Guide]: Basic Templates for New Players (Part 3) 3/4

mismis Posts: 119
edited October 11 in Skills and Stats
  • Range

For all Champion Spawns levels we will use a Repeating Crossbow, the material will be Frostwood, but with a change in the properties, we will replace Hit Life Leech by the Balanced property, the rest of the properties are the same as the ones indicated in Level 2-3.

Example of material and properties for Level 4:

Weapon material:


Frostwood applies 40% Cold Damage, 12% Damage Increase to the weapon.


Damage Increase

Preferred Snake Slayer / Reptile Slayer as secondary


Hit Mana Leech

Hit Cold Area

The Balanced property allows us to drink potions while shooting arrows.

The special move we will mainly use will be Double Strike.

For Barracoon the Piper we will use a Composite Bow and the special move will be Armor Ignore.

Weapon material:


Frostwood applies 40% Cold Damage, 12% Damage Increase to the weapon.


Damage Increase

Repond Slayer


Hit Mana Leech

Hit Lower Defense

All the custom properties described in this guide can be done with the Imbuing skill, in case you don't have a character with this skill, request or buy these weapons from another player with this skill.

In addition to all this we will carry a Quiver of Blight for all Champion Spawns, this quiver applies a Cold Damage 50% and Poison Damage 50% to our damage, replacing the damage types of our archery weapons.

Quiver of Blight we can make it ourselves if we get the recipe or buy it from other players.

We must make sure that there are always arrows inside the quiver, because if it is empty it will use the available ones in the backpack and this effect will be lost.

The reason why we will use the Frostwood material having this quiver is mainly because of the additional +12% Damage Increase that is added to the base weapon (Bonus Arms Lore + 12 DI of Frostwood).

The strategy and use of Chivalry will be the same as explained above with the Melee type.

Note: Regarding Melee and Range weapons, we can carry a Vermin Slayer Talisman in substitution of the Repond Slayer property, in case we carry the Vermin Slayer Talisman, we can substitute the Repond Slayer property (of Level 2-4 weapons) for Hit Lower Defense to lower our enemies' defenses or if we have a property with HLD in our equipment, for example by wearing the Mace and Shield Reading Glasses (or the specific weapon I explained for Barracoon the Piper), add additional damage like Hit Lightning, which does Energy damage, which is one of the lowest resistances of this Champion Spawns.

  • Magic

The first thing we will do is to make arcane circle, for that we will get together with other Spellweavers, if we do not have any acquaintances or friends, what we can do is use the chat to call other arcanists, usually it is usually the meeting in the bank of Britain because both the Arcane Circle located in the bank as the one in the dungeon of Prism of Light, make a bonus of +1 thus reaching the level 6 of Arcane Focus, which is the maximum strength that can be obtained.

The second thing will be to use the Wraith Form spell, this is the way we must be during all Champion Spawns, this form allows us to extract mana from our enemies (only if they have mana available).

The third one is to have the Protection spell active during all Champion Spawns. This spell means that our spells will not be interrupted when we receive a hit, as a disadvantage there are certain penalties such as a decrease in physical resistance, spell casting speed and Resisting Spells ability.

The fourth spell we will use will be Summon Familiar and we will summon a Shadow Wisp during all Champion Spawns. This summoning will bring mana to party members with negative karma as well as to ourselves. The higher the negative karma, the more mana you will receive.

The spells we will usually use for this Champion Spawns will be the following:

About ourselves (summary of their effects):

Gift of Life (In case of death we can resurrect if we want, we must remember to activate it again once resurrected as well as the Protection and Wraith Form spells, because the effects of the spells are removed when we die).

Gift of Renewal (Healing repeated for a short period of time)

Bless (Improves strength, intelligence and dexterity)

Arcane Empowerment (Improves healing spells, increases the damage of offensive spells and the resistance of our summons)

Attunement (Absorbs melee damage received)

Except for Bless which is a Magery spell, the rest of the spells are Spellweaving spells.

During Spawn:

For Level 1:

In case you have done arcane circle, our main spell for this level will be Essence of Wind from Spellweaving, this spell does Cold damage and penalizes Swing speed and Faster Casting to nearby enemies that have been affected by this spell.

If we have no Arcane Focus, low level of Arcane Focus or we are in danger with low health because we are surrounded by many enemies, the alternative spell is Wither of Necromancy that also does Cold damage.

The casting speed of Wither is notably faster than Essence of Wind, but the reason why Essence of Wind is used is because when casting Arcane Focus at high levels it allows to reach more tile radius than Wither.

The reason why we don't use Thunderstorm, which is similar in casting speed to Wither, is because in the first level this spell barely draws mana from the enemies, making the prolonged use of this spell leave us without mana.

For Level 2:

For this level we can cast Essence of Wind spell twice or combine Thunderstorm to lure our enemies and then Wither.

For Level 3:

In this level, as I indicated in Melee, our priority target will be the Ratman Mages, we have to nullify them, for that we will first use Thunderstorm that causes a Faster Cast Recovery penalty to the enemies affected by the spell and then Wither.

At this level, depending on certain factors such as active spells like Arcane Empowerment, the level of Arcane Focus and the enemy's life, we will have to cast two to three Wither in a row to finish off the enemies, especially the Hell Hounds.

For Level 4:

The same system described as in Melee will apply, our main target will be the Silver Serpents.

We lure the enemy with Thunderstorm and then we make Wither continuously.

For Champion:

When Barracoon the Piper appears we will put on a Repond Slayer book (Super Slayer will only work when Barracoon the Piper turns into Ratman form) and cast the following spells against him:

Curse (Magery)

Mind Rot (Necromancy)

Corpse Skin (Necromancy)

Evil Omen (Necromancy)

Arcane Empowerment (Spellweaving)

Strangle (Necromancy)

Meteor Swarm (Magery)

When the Ratman summons that Barracoon the Piper summons die or there is a creature corpse around, we will use Animate Dead from Necromancy up to 3 summons.

When Barracoon the Piper has 4% or less health, we will use Spellweaving's Word of Death spell. This spell applies high damage on low health targets, in case they are not low health, the damage will be negligible.

The Meteor Swarm spell must be cast continuously, if there are more enemies around the main target they will also receive damage, when we see that the damage of this spell decreases, we start again with Curse, Mind Rot, Corpse Skin, etc.

In case this process needs to be accelerated for whatever reason, we will focus exclusively on three spells.

Corpse Skin (Necromancy)

Arcane Empowerment (Spellweaving)

Meteor Swarm (Magery)

Repeating the process when we see that Meteor Swarm has significantly decreased its damage, which is when the effect of Corpse Skin disappears.

To summarize, Curse decreases his Stats, Mind Rot causes him to spend more mana, Corpse Skin lowers his fire and poison resistances, Evil Omen causes him to have only 50% of his Resisting Spells with respect to the next spell he receives and increases the damage of the next spell he receives, Arcane Empowerment was explained above, Strangle causes him to take damage for a period of time and Meteor Swarm does fire damage synergizing with Corpse Skin, if there are more targets close to the main target, the amount of damage is doubled and divided between each target equally.

When carrying the spellbook with Repond Slayer some of Magery's spells are duplicated, in this case the Meteor Swarm spell doubles its damage applied to the creatures of that group.


Continued 4/4

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