[Guide]: Basic Templates for New Players (Part 3) 2/4

mismis Posts: 119
edited October 11 in Skills and Stats
As this guide is basic and I wanted to exclude artifacts and Runic Tools (including Re-Forging) for our weapons, I will make an example of how to make or get weapons based on metals that can be mined.

  • Melee

Based on the templates explained in Part 1, a melee for this situation would have to have the following weapons.

For Level 1:

Weapon Material:

Dull Copper


Damage Increase

Lower Requirements (this is included due to the type of material, I'll explain later)

Hit Life Leech

Hit Mana Leech

Hit Cold Area (we choose Cold area because it is the lowest resistance in common in all levels)

This weapon will be exclusively for this level and part of the second level until there are no Slimes, the reason is because the Slimes as soon as they receive damage, you will see that their acid reduces the durability of the weapon at a faster rate.

The Dull Copper material gives the weapon +100% Durability and Lower Requirements 50%, being easy to get weapons with levels over 200 Durability.

At this level it is not necessary to use Super Slayer, the Giant Rats and Slimes have little life and do not pose any problem.

Hit Cold Area is a property that when you hit a hit there is a chance that additional damage will be applied to nearby enemies of Cold type.

These basic properties to our weapon will bring increased damage, the possibility of area damage and the ability to extract life and mana from the enemy for each successful hit.

For Level 2:

When all the Slimes are gone, we will use the following weapon:

Weapon Material:

Valorite as preferred, secondary Agapite.

Valorite applies to the weapon damage type: 20% Cold Damage, 20% Energy Damage, 10% Fire Damage, 10% Poison Damage

Agapite: 30% Cold Damage, 20% Energy Damage

In general in this Champion Spawns the greatest resistance is in the physical, with Valorite material we decrease the physical type damage of the weapon and distribute it among other types of damage.


Damage Increase

Repond Slayer

Hit Life Leech

Hit Mana Leech

Hit Cold Area

In this level we already include in the weapon the Repond Slayer property to finish earlier with the Ratman and accelerate the speed to pass to the next level.

This level is not difficult either.

For Level 3:

We continue with the same Repond Slayer weapon in this level.

In this level we must focus on the Ratman Mages, as soon as we see one, even if the Hell Hounds follow us or there is a group of 3 together but a Ratman Mage alone, go for the Ratman Mage, because if we distract our attention on the Hell Hounds they can start doing magic combos with Explosion, Flamestrike, etc. along with curses and could seriously harm us if we neglect.

At this level we can carry a Flame Slayer Talisman for the Hell Hounds.

For Level 4:

As soon as we see the Silver Serpents we will put on a Snake Slayer or Reptile Slayer weapon, if we don't have a weapon with these Slayers we will continue with the same one we have been using in Level 3.

Weapon material:

Valorite as preferred, secondary Agapite.


Damage Increase

Preferred Snake Slayer / Reptile Slayer as secondary

Hit Life Leech

Hit Mana Leech

Hit Cold Area

In this level we must focus on the Silver Serpents, if we are bothered by the Ratman Archers we will move away and let the snakes follow us to finish them, these snakes can apply a level 5 poison (Lethal) and together they could cause quite a lot of difficulties to the point of dying, so we must be very careful and not be careless.

At this level we can carry a Vermin Slayer Talisman for the Ratman Archers.

For Champion:

Here we will use a specific weapon for Barracoon the Piper.

Weapon material:


Verite applies to the weapon damage type: 20% Energy Damage, 40% Poison Damage


Damage Increase

Repond Slayer

Hit Life Leech

Hit Mana Leech

Hit Lower Defense (if we have this property in our equipment, it can be substituted by another property, such as Hit Stamina Leech)

To fight Barracoon the Piper we must be incognito, apply Savage Kin Paint or be transformed, such as Necromancy's Wraith Form spell.

Savage Kin Paint is made with a Tribal Berry and a Sack of Flour with the Cooking skill. The Tribal Berry can be found in the loot of the Savages creatures that you can find for example in the center of the Ilshenar region, in the Savage Camp. The nearest moongate is Compassion and is accessed through a cave next to Gypsy Caravan located south of the moongate.

Otherwise, if you attack him without having a transformation, incognito or applied the Savage Kin Paint, Barracoon the Piper will transform us into a Ratman.

Regarding the type of damage, as I explained above, we have used materials that we can extract and we have not used any kind of Runic Tools (including Re-Forging) for this example, advanced weapons you will see that they have for this example, 100% Cold Damage for the Spawn and for Barracoon the Piper 100% Poison Damage.

With the Combat templates explained in Part 1, if you decided to include the Chivalry skill in the melee, the Consecrate Weapon spell can be used making the probability of inflicting all damage at the lowest resistance.

The weapons we will use according to the skill we have chosen from the Part 1 template applied for this example would be the following:

Swordsmanship: Double Axe (For all)

Mace Fighting: Black Staff (For Spawn and when Barracoon the Piper summons Ratman) y War Axe (For Barracoon the Piper when alone)

Fencing: Kama (For Spawn and when Barracoon the Piper summons Ratman) y Kryss (For Barracoon the Piper when alone)

Special moves:

For Double Axe, Black Staff and Kama we will use Whirlwind Attack. Regarding the Whirlwind Attack special move, it receives an additional damage bonus when you have the Bushido skill, increasing the damage significantly. This remarkable Bushido ability is usually used for advanced Shampire templates.

For War Axe and Kryss we will use with Barracoon the Piper the special move Armor Ignore, in War Axe also Bleed Attack and in Kryss Infectious Strike of level 4 or 5.

In the case of Double Axe, when Barracoon the Piper is alone we will use the Double Strike special move and when he summons Ratman, we will use Whirlwind Attack.

If our template has Chivalry we will use against Barracoon the Piper the Enemy of One spell and Consecrate Weapon mainly and depending on the situation Divine Fury, and I say depending because except we have DCI above Capped or if we are in a group we are not the main target, we will avoid using this spell because it reduces our DCI.

During the Spawn we will not use the Enemy of One spell because this will cause other enemies to do more damage to us, so we will only focus on Consecrate Weapon and when we are cornered by many enemies we can also use the Holy Light spell.

When we receive curses we will use the Remove Curse spell when everything is under control, while we will use mana for special moves and Consecrate Weapon.


Continued 3/4

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