[Guide]: Basic Templates for New Players (Part 3) 1/4

mismis Posts: 119
edited October 11 in Skills and Stats

In this third part we are going to see the basic concepts of the weapons that a melee and archer should carry, the magic spellbooks that a mage should carry, how to know the strength and weakness of our enemies and how to use our skills to face them.

Before deciding what weapons or spellbooks to carry, the first thing we need to know is: What are we going to face, what resistances do they have, what Slayer group do they belong to?

Two ways to know the resistances of a creature are, one is with a tamer using the Animal Lore skill (to say about this skill, that to be able to see the information of any creature it is necessary to have at least a minimum of 110 skill) and another is to search the internet for information of the specific creatures that we are going to face in Ultima Online guides.

For the examples of weapons or spellbooks that we are going to carry I will use as an example the creatures that appear in Vermin Horde Champion Spawn.

Vermin Horde Champion Spawn is composed of the following creatures:

Level 1 Giant Rats and Slimes

Level 2 Dire Wolves and Ratman

Level 3 Hell Hounds and Ratman Mages

Level 4 Ratman Archers and Silver Serpents

Champion Barracoon the Piper

In general there is usually a range of greater or lesser intensity in the Stats, Resistances and Skills of each creature, there are guides where you can see based on a number of readings that have been made with the ability of Animal Lore on the particular creature (usually indicated on one side the number of readings) its Minimum, Average and Maximum, and this information will help us to know what weapons or spellbooks we are going to take.

In this case we are going to base ourselves on a reading that I made of each one of the creatures that I am going to show next.

[Level 1] Giant Rats and Slimes

Giant Rats have no resistance to Cold or Energy and Slimes have no resistance to Fire, Cold or Energy.

In this reading both Giant Rats and Slimes share that both have no resistance to Cold or Energy.

[Level 2] Dire Wolves and Ratman

The Dire Wolves' lowest resistances are Cold and Poison and the Ratman's (they have names, that's why it doesn't appear in the Ratman information as it happens with other creatures that show the type it is) are Cold and Energy.

In this reading both Dire Wolves and Ratmans share Cold.

[Level 3] Hell Hounds and Ratman Mages

The Hell Hounds have no resistance to Cold and the Ratman Mages have Fire and Poison as their lowest resistances.

In this reading both Hell Hounds and Ratman Mages do not share the lowest resistance, however if we look, Hell Hounds have no resistance to Cold and in Ratman Mages the next lowest resistance is Cold, therefore we will take Cold as a reference.

[Level 4] Ratman Archers and Silver Serpents

The Ratman Archers' lowest resistance is Cold and the Silver Serpents' lowest resistances are Cold and Energy.

In this reading both Ratman Archers and Silver Serpents share Cold.

We have already extracted the information for each level and we observe that there is mostly the same lowest resistance in common in all levels, which is Cold.

[Champion] Barracoon the Piper

Barracoon the Piper's lowest resistance is Poison and his next lowest is Cold, like the rest of the Champion Spawn creatures.

The next thing we need to know is, which Slayer group do they belong to?

In general, each creature is grouped into a Slayer group, there are Super Slayers that group a collective of creatures and individual Slayers that are more specific to one type of creature.

Super Slayers do double damage and individual Slayers do triple damage.

Although some slayers are obvious, to know which group each creature belongs to there are Ultima Online guides where all this information is shown, in the links section I will share a link to the official wiki where all this information is shown.

We will observe to which group each creature belongs, in this example it would be the following:

[Level 1]

Giant Rats: Vermin Slayer (this Super Slayer can only be found in talismans).

Slimes: Does not have

[Level 2]

Dire Wolves: Wolf Slayer (this Super Slayer can only be found in a dagger called Misericord)

Ratman: Repond Slayer and Vermin Slayer

[Level 3]

Hell Hounds: Wolf Slayer and Flame Slayer (like Vermin Slayer, the Super Slayer Flame Slayer can only be found in talismans)

Ratman Mages: Repond Slayer and Vermin Slayer

[Level 4]

Ratman Archers: Repond Slayer and Vermin Slayer.

Silver Serpents: Reptile Slayer and Snake Slayer, being Reptile as Super Slayer and Snake as individual.


Barracoon the Piper when turned into Ratman would be Repond Slayer and Vermin Slayer.

In this situation of combined groups, the common Slayer taking into account the Champion would be Repond Slayer and Vermin Slayer, but because the effect of the Talisman damage increase does not apply to magic spells, the main Super Slayer will be Repond Slayer.


Continued 2/4

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